Here are the spellings Year 5 are focusing on this week. You can help at home by practicing with your child.
Here are the spellings Year 5 are focusing on this week. You can help at home by practicing with your child.
Year 5 began the immersion of classrooms today, working together to create hanging Solar System decorations…and Layla showed us some home learning made with Lego! Well done to all!
Thank you all for an amazing year-my first as a teacher! Thank you for the highs and lows, the challenges and the fun and thank you for the appreciation! Go smash Year 6!! Massive hugs to you all xxx
Rewards for 100% attendance were handed out in Crew Walton today…plus green certificates for being here for entire year and orange certificates for those who attended for the whole of the last term! Well done!
Another action packed day in Crew Walton! We had 2 ‘Read Along’ sessions, worked on British Values and produced ‘Kindness Stones’. Bring on August!
We had so much fun getting to know one another in Crew Walton today! Our action packed day ended with some Crew Building activities which were challenging and exciting! Bring on tomorrow!
Thank you to all who attended our Celebration of Learning today! It was wonderful to see children sharing their expert knowledge with their adults. We looked at some Egyptian artefacts, made hieroglyphic bookmarks, produced some beautiful sketches, experimented with dress-up and we even had a sneak preview of our Tik Tok videos…all washed down with a healthy mocktail!
Crew Walton have worked so hard today, planning, writing, editing and producing final drafts of their own stories for National Writing Day. Everyone worked so hard, choosing from a range of picture stimuli from which to base their pieces. What a successful day!
The children in Year 5 planned and delivered a debate linked to our book ‘Pig heart boy’. The children worked incredibly hard to prepare structured and well thought out questions and showed respect when providing their responding arguments…a fantastic effort!