Design a library!

This year, we are working hard to raise money to develop our reading for pleasure library so firstly, we would like to say a huge thank you for all your sponsors from the colour run which will go along way to helping us!

Secondly, we still need your help! We would love for you to help us design the library based on the space we have to use which is the foyer area near the hall.

Please design your ideal library and share your plans with Miss Knowles in person or at [email protected] This is for everyone across school to get involved in! Please send your plans by 7th October.

We can’t wait to see your fantastic ideas which will help us design the perfect library!

Year 1 Phonics Drop In

We would like to invite parents/carers to take part in our phonics drop-in session on Tuesday 24th September. The drop-in will take place at 3pm in the school hall. Parents are invited to bring their children along with them to take part in some of our phonics games. Staff will be on hand to answer any questions you have about phonics, reading and writing in school and how you can support your child at home.

We hope you can join us!

Miss Schon and Mrs Rodgers

Young Voices – UPDATE!

If your child would like to take part in Young Voices but hasn’t returned their slip to school yet, please can it be returned as soon as possible. This is so we can confirm numbers for the coach and book the children’s seats in the arena. We currently have 32 children taking part and this will be capped at 40.

Please return signed slips to myself or crew leaders as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Please note that payment on Parent Pay is open but the deadline for payment remains the same – Friday 18th October!

Thank you!

Mrs Spetch x

Crew Spetch – Crew reading!

At the end of the day today, we explored more about space and read a story about the dog Laika who was the first animal sent to space. We investigated more about the animals that had survived the trip and was amazed with the large variety that have been sent into the orbit!

A shout out to Libby for having the courage to read the story to our crew this afternoon!

Class 8 history lessons

The children have been learning about William the Conqueror this week and the battle of Hastings. They have created their own version of the Bayeux tapestry to retell the story. Today they moved on to the feudal system from the Middle Ages and we did a bit of drama to support their understanding of who was the most important person and the consequences for being at the bottom of the feudal system. There was some great learning happening this week. Well done class 8!

Mrs Shaw x