Bun sale on Monday!

On Monday, Year 6 are holding a bun sale to raise money to go towards their leavers events.

Buns will be on sale for 50p.

If you would like to buy a bun, please bring your money and hand to your class teacher on Monday morning.

Any buns left over will be sold outside Year 6 at home time.

Christmas Card Packs – Crew Council

Yesterday, some of our KS2 Crew Councillors turned into Cheeky Christmas Elves and began making some personalised ‘Make your own Christmas card packs’ that will be sold to children from next week.

Children will be able to purchase a pack for 50p. Each pack comes with a plain Christmas card, envelope, some stickers and some Christmas themed paper. This is so children can decorate and make a Christmas card for someone at home.

KS1 Performance Tickets

A letter was sent home with children last week for parents to request tickets for our KS1 Nativity Performance. If your child’s letter has been misplaced and has not made it home then please ask a member of staff for a letter. For safety reasons all people attending the Nativity must have ordered a ticket in advance.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to our performance.

Extended Study – Non Fiction November

To celebrate the end of Non-Fiction November.. Can you make a book review, poster or an informative bookmark about a Non-fiction book of your choice? You could even find a non-fiction book linking to Christmas?

You could even use some of your time to enjoy a non-fiction book with a friend or share one at home.

We would love to see some of your creations displayed in your classroom reading areas!

Any photographs of these being completed will go into a prize draw to win a selection box! – Good Luck!

Crew Jackson – lecture practice

We have been working so hard in Crew Jackson to prepare for our lectures on Thursday evening. This morning we practised performing in front of each other. Well done for demonstrating your reading fluency and confident presentation skills.

We hope you can join us on Thursday at Trinity to see the children in action.