e-Safety Orienteering Drop-in Session!
On Tuesday 11th February, to mark Safer Internet Day, we will be hosting an e-Safety ‘drop in session’ for children and parents. The session will run from 14:00 – 15:00 and will involve some orienteering fun around the school grounds, with a link to e-Safety and staying safe online.
Please book your place to attend the session with your children via the link below.
Parents and carers will be able to meet and collect children from the school hall. We look forward to seeing everyone!

National Storytelling Week – Coffee Afternoon
Next week (3rd Feb – 7th Feb) is National Storytelling Week and we are going to combine it with Maths Week!
Please join us for our coffee afternoon on Friday 7th February 2pm – 3pm to enjoy sharing stories (especially maths relates ones) with your children!
If you would like to attend, please book your place using the Google Form below.
We look forward to you joining us!
Class 7 Number Day!
We enjoyed our number day and capped it off with great confidence with counting money in pence! 🙂

Goodbye and good luck from Class 6
We were all very sad to say goodbye to Miss Slack today as her placement at Green Top came to an end but we wish her all the best and lots of luck for the rest of her training. You’ll make a wonderful teacher if the last 4 weeks are anything to go by!
We will miss you!

Crew Rodgers – Sharing maths with Y4
A huge thanks to the boys and girls from Crew Mumby who shared a morning maths activity with Crew Rodgers today. We had a great time and it was lovely to see the older children being so patient and helpful with the little ones.
Come back soon!

Class 9 | Arnie’s Shirt
I love the hard work and effort that Arnie has put into designing his own t-shirt for Number Day!

Extended Study – Storytelling Week Shoutouts!
A big shout out to Ava, Tosia and Leo for sending in photographs of them taking part in this weeks extended study challenge. It’s great to see you all enjoying sharing stories at home!

Crew Spetch – Maths Week✔️
To round off maths week, we’ve enjoyed some orienteering this afternoon. We put our skills to the test and braved the cold to solve the problems!

Crew Spetch – Maths with Year 2
Yesterday morning, we had a very lovely visit from Year 2. I was so proud of my crew for showing lots of respect and compassion and helping the children create some number posters for this weeks competition!
We really hoped Crew Stone/Shaw enjoyed joining us – we loved having you!

Y5 Crafty with Maths
Crew Walton had fun today creating our very own Maths related board games!

Y5 work with Y2-Maths

Year 5 created some Maths activities to use with Year 2 yesterday…Crew Walton really enjoyed working with Crew Gerrard…we hope they felt the same!
Crew Council – litter picking at Thorne Park
This morning Crew Council demonstrated their stewardship skills and spent some time litter picking in Thorne Park.
Well done everyone! ✨