Class 5 Graduation

I can’t believe the year is over! Class 5 you have been absolutely amazing. What a wonderful group of children you are. You have worked your socks off this year and I am so proud of each and every one of you. What a gorgeous class you are and Mrs Shaw is very lucky to have you all next year in Year 2. Thank you so much for all the kind words, gifts and cuddles. I am going to miss you all so much but I can’t wait to follow your journey and see what you all achieve in the future. Love from Miss Schön xxxx

Mrs Shaws fantastic class today

Today has been another brilliant day: listening to children read, getting to know parents a little bit, creating our kindness stones and designing monsters for our school competition.

I have loved having you class 8 and can’t wait to get to know you more in year 2!

Mrs Shaw x x

Mrs Shaw’s amazing new class

My new class have been absolutely fantastic today! They have blown me away with their manners, super attitude to school and gorgeous work.

We have discussed our emotions today, started to make kindness stones, coloured in some words about The British Values and played some team building games. I’m tired out but I hope they have enjoyed it as much as I have. See you all in the morning

Mrs Shaw

Year 1: Presentation of Learning

On Monday 8th July Year 1 children would like to invite their grown-ups to their presentation of learning for our Expedition ‘Diverse Doncaster – Where do I belong?’. The hall will be open from 8:30am for grown-up to get a hot drink whilst the children are registered in their classes. Children will then come to the hall to share their learning with you. The children cannot wait for you to see all their hard work!

KS1 sports day

Year 1 and 2 are very excited for their sports day on Friday 14th June. It will take place on the key stage 2 field and we are hoping to start by 9 o clock. Children should come to school in their PE clothes on Friday only. Can every child please be in a pair of trainers and their PE kit: black leggings / tracksuit bottoms or shorts and a PE top. The weather isn’t looking too great but we can hope for the best!

Refreshments will also be available.

Please can we ask that all parents stay behind the respect barrier so that we can safely monitor children.

See you all there and let’s all pray for some sun!

Mrs Shaw and the key stage 1 team x x

Y1 Family Learning

A huge thank you to all the parents and carers who came with us today on our family learning event. We were very lucky that the forecast rain did not make an appearance as we walked around our town looking at the landmarks that we have been learning about. How many can you spot in the slideshow below?