On Wednesday 17th July Nursery will be having a party in the morning and afternoon so that all children from all sessions can celebrate their wonderful year in Nursery with their teachers. We kindly ask if you could sign up to bringing in some food for the party. A party food list will be on display at the Nursery entrance – please ask a member of staff to sign up for your contribution.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton x

Class 5 Graduation

I can’t believe the year is over! Class 5 you have been absolutely amazing. What a wonderful group of children you are. You have worked your socks off this year and I am so proud of each and every one of you. What a gorgeous class you are and Mrs Shaw is very lucky to have you all next year in Year 2. Thank you so much for all the kind words, gifts and cuddles. I am going to miss you all so much but I can’t wait to follow your journey and see what you all achieve in the future. Love from Miss Schön xxxx

Class 15 / Crew Dutton – and that’s a wrap 2024!

Wow – what a beautiful day to finish on … Let’s hope the sunshine stays for the rest of the holidays!

We started our day by testing our stewardship skills with litter picking on the school field (as suggested by Edward) before spending some time making thank you and well done postcards for different people around school who have helped us this year. After break we enjoyed a chill movie time together to finish off our party food snacks from yesterday and we even managed to squeeze in a little bit of crew playtime before our early finish for this afternoon’s picnic. Phew … We are definitely ready for the holidays now!

I would just like to take a moment to say a huge thank you to both the children of Class 15 and their parents / carers for your support since I took over from Miss Barnett in February. I have loved teaching your children this year and being a part of their Green Top journey – I can’t wait to see how they get on in Year 6 and will be sure to shed a tear or two when they pass out in 2025. Go smash it guys!

Finally, a huge thank you for all of your lovely farewell gifts, they are all very much appreciated. Best wishes for an awesome summer break, Mrs Dutton x

Y6 Leavers Assembly

As we close the chapter on another wonderful school year, we want to take a moment to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you for attending the Year 6 Leavers Assembly. Your presence made the event truly special and memorable for our students, and we couldn’t have asked for a more supportive audience.

This assembly was more than just a celebration; it was a reflection of the hard work, dedication, and growth our Year 6 students have shown throughout their primary school journey. Seeing you there, sharing in their joy and accomplishments, reinforced the strong community we have built together. Your cheers, smiles, and even the occasional tear of pride, were the perfect send-off as our students prepare to embark on their next adventure in secondary school.

We also want to acknowledge the tremendous support and encouragement you’ve provided your children over the years. Your involvement in their education and school life has been invaluable, and it shows in the confident, capable young individuals they have become. The partnership between parents and school staff is truly the foundation of our students’ success.

As we bid farewell to our Year 6 students, we know they carry with them not only the knowledge and skills they’ve gained but also the love and support from you, their parents. Thank you for being an integral part of this journey.

Enjoy a few moments captured from yesterday.

It’s not a goodbye, it’s a see you later.

Mr M

Class 7’s last day!

HUGE shoutout to class 7 for their hard work this year. They are ready and raring to go for the challenges that they might face as they head into Year 3! The sun is shining, we’re all excited and Summer is here!!!!

Crew Dutton – Wicked Diversity

This week in school, we are celebrating all things diversity!

In class 15, we took a look at the huge musical hit, Wicked and we thought about the different characters within it. Children worked in groups to roleplay a small part of the play, thinking carefully about the differences in the characters and their experiences as a result of these.

There was lots of talk about how we should respect and tolerate one another’s differences, and how important diversity is in our lives. Well done, everyone!

Crew Dutton Attendance Winners!

A huge well done to Robyn, Etta, Naomi and Charlie who have all made it to school every day since the Easter break – and a double well done goes to Charlie, Etta and Naomi for having 100% attendance across the whole of Year5… Well done guys, what an amazing achievement! As well as certificates, all our winners received some extra spending power at Mrs Fitz’s trolley of goodies … Definitely worth all those days in school!