Year 2 POL

We’ve had a lovely presentation of learning this morning showcasing our learning from this term. The children spoke confidently when sharing their learning and did some beautiful singing.

Thank you to all of our parents and carers that came this morning to support us. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

The year 2 team!

Year 2 Presentation of learning 9.7.24

On Tuesday 9th July Year 2 children would like to invite their grown-ups to school to see their presentation of learning for our Expedition ‘Diverse Doncaster – Where do I belong?’. The hall will be open from 8:30am for grown-up to get a hot drink whilst the children are being registered in their classes. Children will then come to the hall to share their learning with you.

We will begin at 9 o clock and it will last for about 10 or 15 minutes

We hope you can make it!

Mrs Shaw, Miss Hilton and Miss Good

Class 8 proud passage presentations

Year 2 have been working hard over the last couple of weeks to get their presentations drafted, completed and typed onto their individual presentation slides. They have created their own avatars, looked and reflected on their HOWLs and thought about their favourite experiences from their time in ks1. They have presented them so well and I am immensely proud of their confidence!

Thank you so much to everyone that has managed to be a part of this process!

Mrs Shaw x x

Class 8 handwashing experiment

In our morning crew sessions we have been learning about different ways to look after ourselves.

Today was all about the importance of handwashing. We watched a video about how easily germs spread. The children then took part in an experiment with glitter that showed how easily germs spread around.

The children then tested their handwashing techniques to see which method was the best and we decided that washing our hands in warm water with soap for 20-30 seconds got rid of the most germs.

Great work year 2!

Year 2 passage presentation appointments

Make an appointment

The children in classes 7 and 8 have been working very hard the last couple of weeks to prepare a set of slides that summarise their time in key stage 1.

They will talk about their experiences, visits, beautiful work and their HOWLs (habits of work and learning).

They will be working hard to practise presenting to an audience which is a great skill for them to learn so we would love to give them this opportunity.

Please use the link above to book your appointments.

Thanks in advance, Mrs Shaw, Miss Hilton and Miss Good x x