Class 10 melting experiment!

Yesterday, Class 10 learned about the different states of matter and the properties that make them up: solids, liquids and gases!

Today, we looked at whether a solid could turn into a liquid and this involved chocolate buttons. We predicted that the chocolate would melt, meaning it would change from a solid to a liquid, so we held the chocolate in the palm of our hands.

Then we observed what had happened…

We were correct, so as a treat, we finished off the melted chocolate!

Class 10 community delivery!

This morning, Class 10 visited the pentecostal church in our local community. As part of our final product, we wanted to celebrate those who help our community. We knew we had to thank our local charities!

The children made brownies specially for the workers and produced their own Mayan inspired boxes to deliver the chocolatey goods in! It was a huge success! Class 10 were really proud of their beautiful work, appreciated helping in the shop and are even asking to go again ASAP!

I would like to thank the charity group for being so welcoming and brilliant with the children as well – it was really a lovely morning had by all and I suspect it won’t be the last!

Class 10 National Writing Day!

Yesterday was national Writing day. This mean the children had freedom to write about a chosen image and decide what genre to write about. We had some fantasy tales, some newspaper articles and some excellent narratives. The children tried to remember features that we have used this year as well. There were some really lovely and interesting pieces of writing and what was great to see was the fun had by all when writing their pieces of work. It was a relaxed atmosphere and then we loved hearing what others wrote.

Class 10 Chocolate Visit!

Class 10 had the joy of Carolyne from Sugar Rush visiting us and teaching us more amazing facts about the Mayans. We loved it!

We loved even more having the chance to try delicious chocolate treats that were brought in. Thanks for the great afternoon!

Class 10 forces experiment!

Today, Class 10 have made predictions about how friction will affect how vehicles travel. We tested the car on different surfaces and found that, the smoother the surface, the further the car went. However, the rougher or bumpier the surface, the more friction there was and the car would travel less distance.

Well done Class 10 on working so well together! 🙂