Class 10 National Writing Day!

Yesterday was national Writing day. This mean the children had freedom to write about a chosen image and decide what genre to write about. We had some fantasy tales, some newspaper articles and some excellent narratives. The children tried to remember features that we have used this year as well. There were some really lovely and interesting pieces of writing and what was great to see was the fun had by all when writing their pieces of work. It was a relaxed atmosphere and then we loved hearing what others wrote.

Class 10s Tuesday! 📏✍️

Yesterday, Class 10 were practising their measuring skills and began to explore using rulers with different items around the class. This was to get used to the vocabulary and understand measurements fully.

We then finished our day off by finding the key features of a setting description ready to take some ideas for independent pieces of writing.

Class 10 feature finders! 📝

Class 10 have been preparing for their next independent piece of writing by looking at features of a non-chronological report. They were trying identify the variety of conjunctions, fronted adverbials and facts that they could see! Class 10 collaborated superbly well to find these features and were able to feed them back.

Class 10 goes to the library! 📚

Well, it is safe to say that Class 10 loved their trip to the library this morning! We loved the walk and the fresh air to get there. More importantly, we loved exploring the library and reading and looking at lots of different books. Some of us even squeezed into the tightest spots to read a good book. We had lots of fun!