Class 10 melting experiment!

Yesterday, Class 10 learned about the different states of matter and the properties that make them up: solids, liquids and gases!

Today, we looked at whether a solid could turn into a liquid and this involved chocolate buttons. We predicted that the chocolate would melt, meaning it would change from a solid to a liquid, so we held the chocolate in the palm of our hands.

Then we observed what had happened…

We were correct, so as a treat, we finished off the melted chocolate!

Class 10 brownie delivery service!

Class 10 had another day in the community spreading joy and happiness to others. We had the pleasure of taking brownies to the local Casino Court. It was such a lovely sight seeing the children explain their learning, share their delicious treats and put a smile on the faces in the Centre. We appreciate the kindness we received back and also the drinks provided! We hope you enjoyed it as much as you did!

Class 10 community delivery!

This morning, Class 10 visited the pentecostal church in our local community. As part of our final product, we wanted to celebrate those who help our community. We knew we had to thank our local charities!

The children made brownies specially for the workers and produced their own Mayan inspired boxes to deliver the chocolatey goods in! It was a huge success! Class 10 were really proud of their beautiful work, appreciated helping in the shop and are even asking to go again ASAP!

I would like to thank the charity group for being so welcoming and brilliant with the children as well – it was really a lovely morning had by all and I suspect it won’t be the last!

KS2 Sports Day 2024 (Y3-6)

Parents and carers are warmly welcome to our annual KS2 Sports Day 2024. Join us on the 2nd of July at 9am, we need YOU there to cheer on our future Olympians.

This event will take place on the KS2 field. Please enter via the gates at the top playground and make your way down to the school field where you will find chairs along the race track.

Mrs Fitzpatrick will be on hand, serving snacks and refreshments throughout the morning too!

See you there!

Year 3/4 donation request

Next week, our Year 3 and 4 children will be heading into the community to deliver some delicious brownies they will have baked with our cook Michael. These are to say thank you to special people in our community! Some of the places that the children will be delivering to are the local food bank, the charity shop and Little Bunnies playgroup.

We would love it if we could take further donations with us to support these places and charities further. We will be looking for donations such as:

  • Tinned, packet or boxed food for the food bank 
  • Clothes or small unwanted items for charity shop 
  • Young children’s toy, books or £1 donation to help fund the Little Bunnies playgroup

The children will be taking the items brought in and need to carry them so please nothing too big or heavy.

As always, we appreciate your support with helping our local community further!

Class 10 National Writing Day!

Yesterday was national Writing day. This mean the children had freedom to write about a chosen image and decide what genre to write about. We had some fantasy tales, some newspaper articles and some excellent narratives. The children tried to remember features that we have used this year as well. There were some really lovely and interesting pieces of writing and what was great to see was the fun had by all when writing their pieces of work. It was a relaxed atmosphere and then we loved hearing what others wrote.