Class 5 Graduation

I can’t believe the year is over! Class 5 you have been absolutely amazing. What a wonderful group of children you are. You have worked your socks off this year and I am so proud of each and every one of you. What a gorgeous class you are and Mrs Shaw is very lucky to have you all next year in Year 2. Thank you so much for all the kind words, gifts and cuddles. I am going to miss you all so much but I can’t wait to follow your journey and see what you all achieve in the future. Love from Miss Schön xxxx


Please remember to bring a strong carrier bag or ‘bag for life’ to school today. All children will be bringing their workbooks home today.

Day 2 of diversity week in class 8

The children have been busy writing their own acrostic poems this afternoon all about diversity and celebrating people’s differences!

I loved reading them and really enjoyed the fact that they were independent!

We also found time to finish off our diversity posters, which are now on display in the classroom…I think they look fabulous!

Mrs Shaw x

Year 5 Celebrate our learning!!

Thank you to all who attended our Celebration of Learning today! It was wonderful to see children sharing their expert knowledge with their adults. We looked at some Egyptian artefacts, made hieroglyphic bookmarks, produced some beautiful sketches, experimented with dress-up and we even had a sneak preview of our Tik Tok videos…all washed down with a healthy mocktail!

Year 2 POL

We’ve had a lovely presentation of learning this morning showcasing our learning from this term. The children spoke confidently when sharing their learning and did some beautiful singing.

Thank you to all of our parents and carers that came this morning to support us. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

The year 2 team!

Year 1: Presentation of Learning

On Monday 8th July Year 1 children would like to invite their grown-ups to their presentation of learning for our Expedition ‘Diverse Doncaster – Where do I belong?’. The hall will be open from 8:30am for grown-up to get a hot drink whilst the children are registered in their classes. Children will then come to the hall to share their learning with you. The children cannot wait for you to see all their hard work!

Reception Community Crew

A huge congratulations to Luther , Xavier and Eli our HOWL point winners last week! The boys have truly been working hard and are such kind members of our crew! I am not surprised they were winners!

Kuba, Charlie and Archie were our Crew Champions this week and well deserved celebrations were had! I am so proud of how far they have come this year! Keep up the great work!

Important parking notice

Yorkshire Water have informed us that due to the road closure on part of Ellison Street (near the garage), buses are using Middlebrook Lane. Yorkshire Water have said they will be placing ‘no parking’ cones along Middlebrook Lane from tomorrow for the next few weeks. 

Please can you respect this enforcement to ensure the safety of our children. Buses are getting stuck due to poorly parked cars, especially at school times.

Thank you for your support.