Class 12: reading fluency

In class 12 we have really been looking at improving our reading fluency and learning the different elements that fall under this category: reading rate, reading accuracy, reading with expression and reading to punctuation. Ask your child about these at home and how they can model these to you when reading!

We had a really lovely reading lesson today start our new class text – The Wild Robot – I’m looking forward to reading more if this wonderful book with the children and listening to their ideas and discussions!

Class 12: Physics, conductivity

Today, my lovely lot carried out an investigation into the conductivity of materials. Understanding that if a material allowed the current to continue through it then it was a conductor, if not and the current was stopped then it was an insulator. I really enjoy seeing the excitement around the room and some children going one step further and taking their circuits around the room to test other objects too!

Class 12 – super swimmers

Just want to let you all know how proud I am of you all!! You all give swimming 100% and more for a full hour which is amazing. You are all doing brilliantly and it makes me so proud to see you all achieve outside the classroom. Keep going guys.

Class 12: feature finding

Another very proud teacher during our feature finding lesson.  The children were given their wagoll text and worked to identify the text’s structure, content and SPAG features.

They did an excellent job, they are getting so good at finding the features and in our discussions understanding how the features are used differently in the new genre.

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class 12 – reading lesson

This picture is nothing fancy, but it was a very happy teacher moment!

This picture shows how much focus my whole class had during the start of their reading fluency session. We are working on reading accurately with good pace when faced with a larger text. The effort and concentration by all was amazing. Well done class 12.

class 12- hooking into physics

The children took very well to the challenge of getting the light bulb to light up with no real direction from me just the equipment they were given. Once completed they were able to share that more batteries would result in a brighter bulb and two bulbs to one battery would produce a dimmer glow.

class 12 – hook week

I am so proud of my wonderful class on their return to school. Our hook week was so lovely! They worked really hard on everything they were asked to do and did everything with craftsmanship and quality. They have produced some really lovely items to help immerse their environment and have shown wonderful engagement and curiosity! Excited for the term ahead with these lovely lot!

Green Top Kindness Advent Calendar