Crew Spetch – Y5 Transition

We’ve had the best two days getting to know each other and our new crew. We had lots of fun completing some crew activities, learning about the Zones of Regulation and creating characters that linked to each zone, designing and painting kindness zones for our new garden and learning about the British Values and how these links to our Crew and school life. We also enjoyed some reading to adults and creating some artwork ready for our new classroom.

What a fantastic first impression you have all made. I already can’t wait for the first week back!!

Year 5 Celebrate our learning!!

Thank you to all who attended our Celebration of Learning today! It was wonderful to see children sharing their expert knowledge with their adults. We looked at some Egyptian artefacts, made hieroglyphic bookmarks, produced some beautiful sketches, experimented with dress-up and we even had a sneak preview of our Tik Tok videos…all washed down with a healthy mocktail!

Y5/6 Family Learning – Ready Steady Cook

This afternoon in Y5/6 Family Learning the children took part in different activities linked to being healthy. Myself and Miss Walton, enjoyed hosting a Ready Steady Cook challenge and we had a fantastic time creating healthy and creative dishes. Check the wonderful dishes below.

Well done everyone – I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Mrs Jackson, Miss Walton, Mrs Rafferty and Miss Kelly x

Crew Spetch – WOW What a day!!

What a fabulous and busy day we had yesterday – I’m amazed we fit it all into one school day!

To begin with, we worked with Geoff from XP to film our final product. Everyone came to life on the camera, I can’t wait to see how fab the videos look!

Then, as part of our Fitness video, we had a Zumba class with Mrs Rayner, which everyone got really stuck into and enjoyed. After that, the children got changed into their Egyptian costumes and we finished our video with us dancing like Egyptians!

We even managed to link our science learning of the heart and dissect some pigs hearts! I was absolutely blown away by everyones courage handling the hearts but also hearing the use of correct terminology that we had learnt. The children were even able to identify the different components of the heart and discuss what the role of the part is. AMAZING!

What a fantastic day filled with lots of amazing learning opportunities!

Super proud!

KS2 Sports Day 2024 (Y3-6)

Parents and carers are warmly welcome to our annual KS2 Sports Day 2024. Join us on the 2nd of July at 9am, we need YOU there to cheer on our future Olympians.

This event will take place on the KS2 field. Please enter via the gates at the top playground and make your way down to the school field where you will find chairs along the race track.

Mrs Fitzpatrick will be on hand, serving snacks and refreshments throughout the morning too!

See you there!

Crew Spetch – National Writing Day

Wow! I was absolutely blown away by everyones enthusiasm yesterday for National Writing Day. We all enjoyed looking at the pictures and discussing what they might mean and then planning some beautiful pieces of writing. We even created front covers, character profiles and comic strips for our stories. Well done everyone! As tomorrow is World Music Day we also enjoyed listening to all of our favourite songs whilst we were writing! Such a lovely day!

Year 5 – Celebration of Learning!

How can a healthy lifestyle impact your body and mind?

On Tuesday 9th July at 2pm our Year 5 families are welcome to join us on the KS2 playground to celebrate our children’s Expedition learning from this term. The event will then restart from 3 – 4 o’clock for any parents that wish to join us after school.

Please enter school and sign in at the school office. There will be somebody waiting to greet you and bring you down to the classrooms.

We will be using technology to access some of the activities and the final product so please bring along any phones, iPads or tablets.

We look forward to celebrating with you all!

Year 5 Crew!