National writing day in class 8

Here are some great examples of the children’s completely independent creative writing. They looked at some pictures first and played some sentence games around what could be happening in the photo.

The children then chose their own photo to use as a stimulus for their own stories. They really enjoyed writing them and I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. Well done class 8!

Mrs Shaw x x

Class 8’s artwork

We have been working hard on our sketches today and I think they are looking amazing! I am so impressed with the different techniques they have used to add detail to these historic buildings in Thorne. Well done class 8!

Mrs Shaw x

KS1 sports day

Year 1 and 2 are very excited for their sports day on Friday 14th June. It will take place on the key stage 2 field and we are hoping to start by 9 o clock. Children should come to school in their PE clothes on Friday only. Can every child please be in a pair of trainers and their PE kit: black leggings / tracksuit bottoms or shorts and a PE top. The weather isn’t looking too great but we can hope for the best!

Refreshments will also be available.

Please can we ask that all parents stay behind the respect barrier so that we can safely monitor children.

See you all there and let’s all pray for some sun!

Mrs Shaw and the key stage 1 team x x

Class 8 visited the book fair

Class 8 enjoyed looking at the books that are on offer at the book fair. They also loved listening to two new rhyming books that we haven’t heard before.

Have a visit if you haven’t already…there are some gorgeous books on offer

Mrs Shaw x x


Crew Shaw has remembered the soldiers who has passed and the ones still alive today. We had a PowerPoint with lots of information, the children absolutely loved it! Then they went on to make their aircraft used. Here are some parts of the learning.

Class 8’s local walk

Thank you so much to all of the grown ups that managed to join us on our walk this morning and for being such great sports about going out in the rain.

The children actually wanted to go further and didn’t mind getting a little bit wet at all. We managed to see some of the local landmarks that we have been studying and everyone came back happy.

Thanks again for your support

Mrs Shaw x