On Wednesday 17th July Nursery will be having a party in the morning and afternoon so that all children from all sessions can celebrate their wonderful year in Nursery with their teachers. We kindly ask if you could sign up to bringing in some food for the party. A party food list will be on display at the Nursery entrance – please ask a member of staff to sign up for your contribution.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton x

Nursery Party Day

A huge thanks to everyone who contributed to the party food today. We have had a blast! Dancing, eating, playing pass the parcel and walking the red carpet.

I hope you all have a wonderful Summer break, I look forward to seeing some of you who are joining us after the holiday and to the rest of you – I’ll miss you so much but know that you are all ready for your next big step into Reception. It has been a pleasure being your teacher this year.

Stay safe and have a wonderful Summer.


Mrs Hay

Child’s choice week in Nursery

We have lots of happy and busy children in Nursery. We are having heaps of fun shape printing, colouring and mastering careful colouring in the lines, baby hospital, building, making lavendar play dough biscuits, constructing and dressing up!

Nursery Children’s choice…

Now our expedition has come to an end we are having ‘child choice’ weeks until the end of term. Mrs Burton and I love these weeks as it gives us lovely opportunities to enjoy what the children like doing best. This week the children have asked for babies and nappies, doctor sets, bat and ball games, ice painting and finger painting. I wonder what lovely things we will do next week…

Stewardship in Nursery

The children worked really hard this morning litter picking around the school grounds with Mrs Hardman. We have lots of lovely, kind children who have taken pride in looking after our school.

Great work Nursery Crew!