We are working extremely hard in Year 5, researching, planning and preparing our Lecture slides and scripts! We cannot wait to entertain our adults on the evening of Wednesday 4th December!

We are working extremely hard in Year 5, researching, planning and preparing our Lecture slides and scripts! We cannot wait to entertain our adults on the evening of Wednesday 4th December!
Thank you to all who attended our Celebration of Learning today! It was wonderful to see children sharing their expert knowledge with their adults. We looked at some Egyptian artefacts, made hieroglyphic bookmarks, produced some beautiful sketches, experimented with dress-up and we even had a sneak preview of our Tik Tok videos…all washed down with a healthy mocktail!
Crew Walton/Oldridge really got stuck into the first Art lesson of our Case Study…we showed great resilience, persevering to make sure our Quality and Craftsmanship was excellent!
We had a lovely end to our Wednesday when parents (and a couple of little visitors) joined us to read aloud together to acknowledge the special day!
Crew Oldridge/Walton plus parents created some outstanding artwork in our Family Learning session! Such a productive afternoon…thanks to all who came to support our children!