Year 5 Celebrate our learning!!

Thank you to all who attended our Celebration of Learning today! It was wonderful to see children sharing their expert knowledge with their adults. We looked at some Egyptian artefacts, made hieroglyphic bookmarks, produced some beautiful sketches, experimented with dress-up and we even had a sneak preview of our Tik Tok videos…all washed down with a healthy mocktail!

Space Aliens!

This morning class 9 were hooked into their new case study ’space’ they made and drew their own alien and then added adjectives to describe size, shape, colour and personality. Great work produced by everyone! well done!😊

Our day in Nursery

Nursery have had so much fun today and we have definitely enjoyed the sunshine. Today in Nursery we have had so much fun exploring new activities with our friends and playing lots of games.

I wonder what we can do tomorrow?