Learning Letter Sounds

In Reception children learn the names and sounds of the letters of the alphabet. It is important that children pronounce the letter sounds correctly. This ensures children have the best chance to blend sounds together to read words.

Below is an information video that explains the correct and incorrect way to pronounce these sounds.

Below is a video of the Jolly Phonics songs and pictures we use in class to help children to recall these letter sounds.


Oxford Owls Website

This website is a great place to access age-appropriate e-books for your child. You will need to fill out a short registration form but this is a free resource. This is great to use if your child is waiting for their school book packs to be changed.

School reading packs are only changed on Tuesdays and Fridays. This is to ensure all children have fair access to the school reading challenge.


We are collecting Aldi stickers

Bedtime Story session

A lovely evening was had by all at the EYFS Bedtime Story session. The children relaxed and enjoyed their favourite story activities alongside toasting marshmallows. The children made books, masks, puppets and gingerbread men and had fun finding the story characters around the grounds. After lots more fun activities the children enjoyed a hot chocolate and biscuit before listening to ‘Miss Vaughan read ‘The Three Little Pigs’   We hope you had a great time and see you at family learning !

EYFS Bedtime Stories Event

Our Nursery and Reception families are invited to join us for our bedtime stories event. The event is taking place this Wednesday evening, 11th September 5pm-6pm. Children are invited to wear their pyjamas and we will have a range of story related activities for the children to take part in. We will also be serving hot chocolate and biscuits and will end the event with a bedtime story. Please feel free to bring cuddly toys, blankets and chairs. We are hoping this event will take place outdoors! You can access the event via the nursery gate. We look forward to seeing you there!

Exploring Eddies!

Class 3 and 4 have settled into F2 extremely well and have been enjoying exploring their new learning environment. We have focused on taking pride in our areas by looking after resources and tidying away correctly. Next we will be learning how to use the resources in our classrooms to help us with our learning.

This week we have also been learning about the ‘Learning Aliens’ and their different characteristics. We think we have been Exploring Eddie’s! We wonder which learning aliens we can be next!