Y3/4 Expedition field work

On Monday 2nd September, we will be taking year 3 and 4 children on an evacuation trip to our local Methodist Church as part of our new expedition. There is no expectation for children to dress up, however if they wish to they may. We will all be making a gas mask box, an identity label and a luggage label to take too.

The aim of the field work is for the children to experience something similar to what the children in WW2 did during their evacuation. We will leave school at 1pm with a return in time for 3pm pick up. We are hoping this work will engage the children into their new learning.

Here are some ideas for inspiration but please don’t feel you have to buy an outfit – see what you have in the trusty wardrobe!

Mrs Pearson, Mr Mumby, Mr Taylor and Mrs Dutton.

Y3/ Class 10 – Our First Day!

Wow – what a fabulous first day we have had in our new Year 3 class. The boys and girls have all returned with super attitudes and a readiness to get started straight away … well done everybody!

We have enjoyed using the morning catching up and sharing all of our holiday news as well as recapping our crew norms and character traits. We enjoyed a story called ‘A Letter from Your Teacher on the First Day of School’ and used this to help us pen our own amazing letters to our crew explaining how we we plan to be a good crew mate in Year 3.

This afternoon, we enjoyed spending time with Mr Kershaw in the outdoor campsite where we played games, toasted marshmallows and even sang come campfire songs.

In the words of Chayce … ‘who knew Year 3 could be so much fun!’

Class 5 Graduation

I can’t believe the year is over! Class 5 you have been absolutely amazing. What a wonderful group of children you are. You have worked your socks off this year and I am so proud of each and every one of you. What a gorgeous class you are and Mrs Shaw is very lucky to have you all next year in Year 2. Thank you so much for all the kind words, gifts and cuddles. I am going to miss you all so much but I can’t wait to follow your journey and see what you all achieve in the future. Love from Miss Schön xxxx


Please remember to bring a strong carrier bag or ‘bag for life’ to school today. All children will be bringing their workbooks home today.

Day 2 of diversity week in class 8

The children have been busy writing their own acrostic poems this afternoon all about diversity and celebrating people’s differences!

I loved reading them and really enjoyed the fact that they were independent!

We also found time to finish off our diversity posters, which are now on display in the classroom…I think they look fabulous!

Mrs Shaw x

Year 5 Celebrate our learning!!

Thank you to all who attended our Celebration of Learning today! It was wonderful to see children sharing their expert knowledge with their adults. We looked at some Egyptian artefacts, made hieroglyphic bookmarks, produced some beautiful sketches, experimented with dress-up and we even had a sneak preview of our Tik Tok videos…all washed down with a healthy mocktail!

Year 2 POL

We’ve had a lovely presentation of learning this morning showcasing our learning from this term. The children spoke confidently when sharing their learning and did some beautiful singing.

Thank you to all of our parents and carers that came this morning to support us. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

The year 2 team!