Good luck on Sunday England! Make the children of year 4 proud! Although, we’re already very proud to be honest.
Good luck on Sunday England! Make the children of year 4 proud! Although, we’re already very proud to be honest.
At the start of this year, I challenged Crew Mumby to work hard on their reading skills. Every time a member of our crew scores over 80% on a quiz, they receive a raffle ticket that goes into our half-termly draw. The children have been working really hard and I’m delighted to say that there were over 200 tickets in the tub!
Their crew data for this half term was:
Quizes taken: 317
Quiz %: 85.8
Time engaged per day: 25
This half-term’s lucky winner was Lola, who chose an Amazon voucher to spend on books and craft.
I wonder..who will win our next raffle???
Well done all!
Mr Mumby
Dear Year 6 Parents / Carers,
Information regarding Green Top to ‘pass out’ tomorrow – Thursday 16th July between 3.30pm and 5.30pm.
Any additional questions, please email [email protected]
Yours sincerely
Mrs C Salter
Head of School
WOW! Well done to Alan and his family! This is great!
First an Easter rabbit and then a green house!
We can’t wait to see what comes next!
A huge congratulations to all the students and staff in Y5/6 on an amazing product to share the collaborative learning outcomes from their Summer term expedition. I am blown away by the quality of work and character growth of our students despite being in the centre on a Pandemic. Our students have grappled with tough scientific content, composed musical and lyrical pieces of art work and presented their learning eloquently in the product shared here.
Well done all!
Thursday Evening
Zoom ID: 990 2394 9458
Password: 470152
We are so proud of Blake:
Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EPEC) is a successful, popular, unique parenting approach.
EPEC is for local parents, led by local parents.
We are currently recruiting parents who would like to become a Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EPEC) Group Leaders.
Would like to be part of a new and exciting EPEC Programme coming to Doncaster ?
As an EPEC parent group leader, you will:
We are holding a virtual coffee afternoon for those parents/carers who are interested
On: Thursday 23rd July 2020
Through: Microsoft teams (app can be downloaded onto your phone or a computer)
Time: 2pm – 3pm
Please see attach posters for more information – If you are interested please email Philip Stewart; [email protected]