The launch of the KS1 Safety boards

Last week we were so proud to launch our KS1 safety boards both within school and out in the local community.  We had the pleasure of the local Mayor attending and praising the hard work of our Y1 and Y2 children.  A group of representatives from each class, their parents, Thorne Mayor and a representative from the Thorne Times attended a small launch in Thorne Memorial Park where one of our safety boards is located.  This was followed by a larger launch back at school where all children and parents were invited to attend and celebrate with us.  The children have worked incredibly hard on developing their knowledge of road safety, skateboarding, riding a scooter safely and bike safety.

We are so proud of you all and we love seeing our work out in the Local Community.

Well done to all of KS1.

KS1 Family Learning


What a fantastic afternoon for our KS1 Family Learning! The children and their grown ups had lots of fun matching foods to their different food groups, doing some exercises to see the difference in resting pulse and pulse rate after exercise, some painting of fruit and even some potato stamping to produce beautiful pictures.

All of the children filled out an exit ticket about what we learned today and we will record these in Theme books.

A huge thank you to all of the parents/ carers and families who attended today and embraced all of the activities so enthusiastically!!

We appreciate your continued support!

Hope you all enjoyed it!

The KS1 Team 😊

Vegetable Art

Here is Travis, April, Ashton, Roan, Layla and Lola showing off their amazing vegetable watercolour paintings they created in G Block with Mrs Hardman. Well done guys! I love these! 


Mrs Hay 🙂

Observational Drawing

In between doing our assessments this week, the children have been engaging in some superb activities to help unwind and get creative. Yesterday, the Year Two children looked carefully at different fruits and did some beautiful observational drawings.

Welcome back

Class 6 have been so busy today making things to enhance our Learning Environment!

We had lots of fabulous conversations about our new theme and the children are extremely excited to see what their new learning will bring!

We will keep you posted

Keep up the amazing learning attitudes Class 6

Mrs Wallace 😊

Class 7’s self portraits


In Diversity Week, the children in class 7 worked so hard to draw their self portraits using sketching pencils and pastels. Each one is totally unique and incredibly special, just like each child. 🌟

Super Sketcher

Sophie created this beautiful wave line drawing in GBlock last week linking to her theme work on the Titanic. Sophie used  different pencils and varied her pencil pressure to show a range of tones. Well done Sophie!

Mrs Hay