Question time dash!

In maths again today we dashed around in teams to answer a series of time related questions, recognising that also day if the week and months of the year are linked to learning about time.

Figuring out fossils!

Today, the children took charge of their own learning today and followed a set of instructions with some guiding questions to generate discussion. They managed to figure out that our next section of learning was going to be about fossils!  Sharing that the layers of bread represented the layers in sedimentary rock and the sweets are the dead animal remains trapped and then imprinted into the rock. What an amazing lesson and so simple ☺️.

A quick game of dash

To make our standard blast off lesson a little more interesting today we added a small game of dash in at the end to see what the children knew about time already. And if I’m being honest I was pretty impressed overall.

Forget snowmen in year 3 ….

So a small group of our year 3 children today embraced the snow and our expedition learning and combined them together, in a pretty impressive way I might add.

Forgetting the traditional snowman fun they opted for building Mount Vesuvius erupting with its very own ash cloud!


True rock stars ⭐

I was genuinely amazed (after we got over the excitement of having some science equipment out) and very proud of the children in class 11 today.  I didn’t at all believe we could sit for so long together and investigate ROCKS but we did and the children loved it and had such a buzz. There was great vocabulary, prediction, asking lots of scientific questions and sharing lots of answers and thoughts together as well as recoding and comparing.  Who knew rocks could be this interesting, but they are!! Well done my little rock stars it was great and I’m so glad you enjoyed it.

(PS we had more rocks than this to look at but we just didn’t put them all in the water)

Understanding vocabulary by drawing a character?

Today we had lots of fun with a short piece of text which describes a character.  The text had lots of great vocabulary in there and the children had to share how well they understand it by recreating the character as a drawing. And I must say they did a great job. Here they are hard at work again.

Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000

In school and online today year 3 have been recapping how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.  For online learning I set them an active task to use hand made number cards, playing cards, Uno cards etc and an online dice to generate numbers.

Here are my favourite pics from today. Well done everyone I hope the task helped you to remember how to do these types of questions.

Rubric discussion and editing!

I was very proud of class 11 today they were paired up and set off on their editing and improving session for their final draft (writing a recount). Some were already very good but this didn’t stop them getting stuck in to improve it even further. Great job!