Well done to our super star readers in Year 5/6! With it being reading week, they were able to choose a brand new book to celebrate! Some great choices!

Well done to our super star readers in Year 5/6! With it being reading week, they were able to choose a brand new book to celebrate! Some great choices!
Please remember to send your child with appropriate XP Outdoors kit suitable for the weather – especially now it is getting colder and wetter! Appropriate footwear is essential as the children spend time in the grassy XP Outdoors area.
A reminder of the days that XP Outdoors takes place:
A further reminder of the suggested XP Outdoors kit –
How many of these children’s books can you work out from the emojis? Add your answers in the comments!
Well done to our Y5&6 girls who won the tag rugby festival on Friday at Thornensians. Even though the girls have never played rugby before they played fantastic throughout the whole tournament and won every game they played. Well done girls!
This week our spelling focus are words ending in ‘ible’ and ‘able’
Our spelling words that you could practice at home are:
Here are the spellings Year 5 are focusing on this week. You can help at home by practicing with your child.
A huge shout out and well done to our first Crew Champion winners of this year. It was wonderful listening to all of the positive comments from crew leaders! A big well done to our HOWL point winners too!
This year, we are working hard to raise money to develop our reading for pleasure library so firstly, we would like to say a huge thank you for all your sponsors from the colour run which will go along way to helping us!
Secondly, we still need your help! We would love for you to help us design the library based on the space we have to use which is the foyer area near the hall.
Please design your ideal library and share your plans with Miss Knowles in person or at [email protected] This is for everyone across school to get involved in! Please send your plans by 7th October.
We can’t wait to see your fantastic ideas which will help us design the perfect library!