Maths Week 2020

We are very excited for maths week!

We will be celebrating maths and to do this we will be doing the following:

  • Each day you will be informed of a challenge you can complete at home and bring into school
  • At 3pm on Thursday (in the school hall), parents are invited to join the learning council to play maths games and look at how you can support your children with maths at home
  • Friday is NSPCC Maths day so we will be having a ‘maths’ dress up day (£1 donation) and a bun sale to raise money for the charity
  • Buns will be on sale for 50p (we will also be accepting donations of buns, cake and biscuits)

Please see the link below for dress up ideas and more information about NSPCC maths day:

Monday’s challenge is:  Who can find the oldest coin?  This needs to be a coin that you can currently spend in the UK.  Place in an envelop child’s name, the coin enclosed and date!  Good Luck!


GT Learning Council 


This week in phonics we have been learning the digraphs ch, sh, th and ee. We know that when these letters are together they make a new sound. We have been good ‘digraph spotters’ and have been finding these graphemes hiding in words and sentences. Can you find any of these digraphs hiding in the books you read or can you hear them in the words you are writing?

Emergency Services Museum

Wow what an amazing trip the children loved every second!   From start to finish the children made us all so proud with their behaviour and enthusiasm.   They loved exploring the old police cells (ask them how they smelled!)  and all the different emergency vehicles from old to new.  They even got to explore some emergency scenes, try on some clothes and see a miniature emergency service set using working train play sets.  Finally a HUGE thank you to the parents that come along to support the children, you were all amazing!

Exciting new reading challenge!

Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are beginning an exciting new reading challenge competition!

Starting tomorrow, Friday the 10th of January, everytime your child brings their reading pack into school to be changed they will receive a raffle ticket. Once every 4 weeks a lucky winner from each class will win a SUPER READER HAMPER full of prizes. The more your child reads at home, the more chances they will have of winning the monthly prize!

So come on! Get out those reading packs and get reading!!!

Wriggly Nativity

A huge well done to EYFS for starting our Christmas performances off with a great version of the wriggly Nativity! The children looked absolutely stunning and were co didn’t at acting , singing and dancing. Thank you to our parents for supporting the event and for helping provide costumes. A great first experience for some of our children!