We have enojyed playing outside working on different skills.
Category : Miss Vaughan’s class 2019-20
Today alongside our learning we have had fun doing dough disco.
We’ve had another beautiful day today with the sun shining. We have done lots of learning outdoors learning how to catch and have done some beautiful art work of the sky at night if we were on the moon and even managed to fit in lovely writing about our story this week ‘whatever next’
What a BEAUTIFUL day! The sun is shining and our children are smiling. We have been busy with our learning, talking about the world we live in, challenging ourselves with addition and subtraction and drawing aliens.
We may be apart but we can still have fun with our family and friends!
Just a reminder to complete the parental survey by Monday at 12 noon please to indicate whether your child will be attending school come the 1st of June. Please complete this even if you wish for your child to stay at home. This will enable school to prepare and plan
Thank you for your support and kindness at this time
Please support us in planning for a provision as requested for a POSSIBLE reopening for your children on 1st June.
https://martin-jacob.itch.io/can-you-save-the-worldMy highest score is 13,309…let me know how you get on!

Here are some online drama and storytelling sessions that we wanted to share as this week’s events fit in with our ‘Pirates and Mermaids’ expedition theme.
To access it you’ll need to have Zoom installed. In school we do not support that platform and use hangouts. It’s a ‘Pay as you feel’ event, so free but they ask for a small donation to keep them going.
Thank you to Annabel’s mum for sharing
Some of the staff at Plover School have set a signing challenge for their students an I thought you guys may want to get involved, Thanks to Miss Blackham for sharing this with me.
How many of these words can you spell using the BSL signs for the letters of the alphabet?
Here’s a youtube clip to get you started. There will be 4 prizes available for the most impressive attempts. (one per phase if there are enough entries)
Winners will be announced on Monday 18th May.