It was all about measuring in Class 9 on Friday. The children had time to design their own sweet drinks before working together to measure them out.
Category : Miss Tortora’s Class
Year 3 -Crew Tortora Record Breakers
Today in G Block Crew Tortora were lucky enough to take part in becoming World Record Breakers by joining forces with National Numeracy Charity and Times Tables Rock Stars to beat the record for a live stream number roll. The children joined in with Katya from Strictly Come Dancing and Baz from TT Rock Stars. The children danced along with Katya and the event encouraged children to feel positive and confident about maths. The challenge was adjudicated by an official from the Guinness World Records and a new record was set. Well done everyone.

Class 9 – Becoming scientists
In today’s first lesson of our case study 2 science, class 9 were hooked in and asked to recreate and act as the particles of solids, liquids and gases … can you guess which is which?
Times Tables Rockstars Day! 🎤🎸
Check out our video from Times Tables Rockstars Day!
Class 9 – Writing touchdown as Mary Prince

Look at the beautiful learning environment in todays english lesson as class 9 wrote their diary entry as key figure, Mary Prince.

All this week’s work has lead up to this including creating anchor charts, research lessons, pretending to be news anchors in order for them to be able to fully immerse themselves in the history and life of Mary herself.
Year 3 and 4 Family Learning
Are you ready to face Lady Overson and Lord Mumby? Will you be hired? The Apprentice has arrived at Green Top.

Join us on Thursday 19th May to see if you have what it takes to be hired in each crew. Arrive at the office at 1:30pm and be prepared to receive your brief. You will have a number of tasks to complete before pitching your final product. Finally, an anonymous vote will take place to see who will be hired. We will finish at 3pm.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Can you help us?
We are hoping for each child to have 2 glass jars that they can use as part of their final product so we would like to start collecting them as soon as possible to ensure that we get enough.
We would like to continue supporting our last expedition ‘How can we protect our beautiful planet?’ By reusing glass jars rather than buying them new so if you could please help us with this, we would greatly appreciate it!
Ideally, we would like jars in similar sizes to these shown in the picture, nothing too small though. A pasta sauce jar or jam jar etc would be perfect. Additionally, we would like for these to be brought in to school washed and clean please along with the labels removed.
Also, if you’ve already sent your two jars in for your child but have more that you’d like to donate then of course, feel free as we will be more than happy to make use of them or to distribute them out to anyone who hasn’t got one.
Thank you in advance for your continued support! We can’t wait to share this product with you soon.
Year 3 and 4 Team
Becoming historians
Class 9 put on their historian hats and created the most amazing posters and anchor charts that showed the time line of the abolition of the slave trade act. We are now beginning to see that history of sugar really isn’t so sweet.

Well done to Year 3/4 winners of our HOWL’s this week. The children have being Getting Smart, Working Hard and Being Kind. Well done to you all.

National Numeracy Day – 18th May
We are looking forward to celebrating National Numeracy Day on Wednesday 18th May!
Maths is all around us and in the run up to National Numeracy Day, I would love for you to take some photos of you that link to maths! Maybe it will be a picture of you using money to pay for something in the shop, maybe it will be of how many steps you have walked in a day, or maybe it will be of you practising your maths skills!
How creative can you be finding maths around your home and in the community? Please send all of your photographs to [email protected] so that I can make a video to celebrate maths!
Also, check out the official website (link below) because there are lots of fun activities that you can do with your children!