In G Block today, class 12 have been learning about the history of Remembrance Day and the understanding. They have produced some beautiful writing on the poem, ‘ In Flanders Fields’ Below is some examples.
Class 5: Lincoln Castle
Class 5 had an amazing day on our first day back at school after the half term break! We travelled on a big coach all the way to Lincoln to explore Lincoln Castle! We walked along the walls of the castle and looked at the view. We also took part in some super workshops. We enjoyed acting out a medieval banquet, making swords, handling armour and shooting bows and arrows! It was so much fun. One of the highlights of the day was of course lunchtime! The children enjoyed having an indoor picnic and catching up with their friends. It was lovely to see the awe and wonder on the children’s faces throughout the day. The coach journey home was a lot quieter than on the way there 🙂
Class 8’s amazing visit
Crew Walton Bikeability
Due to instructor illness, Crew Walton’s Bikeability sessions are now Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th November. The non-rider sessions for all will remain Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th. Please ensure your child brings their equipment and appropriate footwear and bottoms. Thank you.
Class 6’s day at Lincoln Castle
We had a wonderful day consolidating our learning at Lincoln Castle today. The children were wonderfully well-behaved and loved sharing their learning with the staff at the castle. Our day was jam-packed with activities, from handling armour in the Victorian prison, to designing coats of arms, re-enacting a banquet and finishing our day by walking part of the huge wall and visiting the inside of one of the towers!
A huge thanks to everyone involved with making our day fantastic and a special mention to the children who made me proud, as always, with their excellent manners.
Diary Dates – Autumn 2 UPDATED with Christmas
Please note – you can also access dates through the Parent Calendar on the website:
Crew Knowles: Friction Investigation
Crew Knowles had great fun with Mrs Hardman today investigating friction. Each group chose four different surfaces to test which had the most and least amount of friction. Great work everyone – I can’t wait to see your final science reports! #OgdenTrust
Class 8 Catapults
In expedition today, class 8 have been working with a partner to test out their catapults, seeing how far the ball would go and then measuring and recording their results. They had so much fun!!
The Royal British Legion – Poppy Appeal!
Starting from tomorrow, Crew Council will be selling poppies and a range of other accessories including badges, wristbands and slapbands each morning.
Thea, one of our Year 6 Ambassadors, has also made some beautiful crochet poppies that she will be selling and contributing to the poppy appeal. She will be selling these alongside Crew council each morning. Thea’s poppies are priced at £1.50 for all of her efforts and hard work!
Year 1 Trip
We hope the children are excited for our class trip tomorrow!
Just a few things to note for our trip tomorrow:
Please could all children come to school wearing their normal school uniform and comfortable, sensible footwear. It is not currently due to rain tomorrow but a sensible coat and footwear is essential. We will be spending time both inside and outdoors during our visit. Please can children bring a backpack to keep all their belongings in such as their packed lunch and a spare change of clothes. This also helps us to ensure children’s belongings do not go missing throughout the day. Children will also need to be able to carry their own belongings to and from the coach/destination so a backpack really helps with this.
Children do not need any spending money for the trip.
Please ensure children arrive promptly at 8:30am for the register and to board the coaches!
We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!