Class 9 | Litter Picking!

This afternoon, Class 9 have been outside litter picking. We spent the morning talking about why it is important to look after our community and some of the things we can do to make it a better place to live.

Y1 and Y2 homework menus and parents overview.

Apologies to those parents who could not access these menus. We are looking into the issue. In the meantime below is a link to the Parent Overview and a screenshot of each year group’s Homework Menu.

Expedition Parent Overview

Children should be able to access these menus at any time from the KS1 Extended Study section in the ‘Children’ drop down menu on the front page of the blog if they are logged on with their own Green Top email address.

Please let me know if you have any more problems

Miss Rodgers

Class 8 – Green Top Camp

Today, the children also took part in XP outdoors activities, which we all loved! We crafted some dream catchers using branches and string, read stories in the camping tents and even toasted marshmallows or biscuits! We even finished with singing a camp song around the fire! Today was a brilliant day and we have had none stop fun…see you all tomorrow! Mrs Shaw

Class 8 – giving back to the community!

Class 8 have had a fabulous afternoon of giving back to the community. The children yesterday designed their own keyring and today we handed them out to adults, just to make them smile! They had quotes on, such as ‘be happy’ and ‘you are amazing’ and the children were so happy to be doing something to make others happy. On the way back from our walk, we stopped at Peel Hill and completed some litter picking! What a great afternoon!

Afternoon fun with Class 6 in our XP Outdoors area

Unfortunately, Mr Kershaw was unexpectedly called away this afternoon so we were unable to take part in the exciting activity he had planned for us. Despite this we still enjoyed our afternoon playing on the trim-trail and the astro-turf, taking part in running games and listening to a story in the camp tents…plus Mr Kershaw has promised us another outdoor session next week to make up for today!

Thanks Mr Kershaw. We’re already looking forward to it.

Class 7s first two days!

Well, Class 7 have had two busy days back as they start their adventure into Year 2. We have been designing key rings and then making them!

Today, we have had fun in Mr Kershaw’s camp. We started reading in the tents, then roasted marshmallows by the fire and finished off by making some dream catchers!

We then started making some cards for our visit out tomorrow!