Dante and Dexter in phonics…

Dante and Dexter worked so hard to use their phonics to write sentences with the ‘oa’ digraph. They remembered to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Well done boys! Excellent phonics work!


Mrs Hay 🙂


Oliver’s amazing homework

Oliver has been litter picking this week to tidy up our town using his Grandad’s litter picker. Oliver then created some beautiful posters to advertise keeping Thorne clean and tidy. Well done Oliver! I’m so proud of you!


Mrs Hay 🙂




Train Ride!

After reading June Crebbin’s ‘Train Ride’ Sofia, Jersey, Niah and Elliott continued their learning by choosing to create a large story map as a group. The children created drawings linking to what could be seen out of the train window. Wonderful imitate work for Talk for Writing!

Wonderful Writing

Today we focused on innovating a section from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Ammari did some wonderful writing by changing the perspective of the story from Harry to Dudley. He was so proud he has shown everyone his work including Mrs Graves and Mr Butler. Super work Ammari.


Dante made Morani’s!

Dante has worked so hard over the weekend to create this AMAZING Morani’s Ice Cream Parlour model. Well done Dante!

If you can make a model of a building, place or landmark in Thorne Town, you will be awarded 10 house points each. I can’t wait to see your creations!

Mrs Hay 🙂


Incredible Imitate


Bradley, Harry and Ellie all went to visit Mr Butler today to show off their amazing imitate writing of the story Beegu. Mr Butler and I are so proud of you all! Well done!

A wonderful week…

This week in Class 6, we have been reading the story ‘Beegu’ and spent lots of time comprehending and inferring the text. Today, we got to read the complete story and create some Talk4Writing symbols in collaborative groups. The children thoroughly loved the book and worked brilliantly sharing beautifully together.

The children in my phonics group have been working so hard this week on reading and writing words with the zz, ch, qu and ur digraph. They have particularly loved hunting outside for words, finger writing with paint and even writing on the carpet in chalk. Keep up the hard work! 🙂

Year 6 Learning Exploration

Year 6 celebrated their learning exploration by delivering a lecture on Space. The lecture was based on the current theme ‘What Lights up our World’ and focused on their learning of space, particularly the moon, night and day, and the sun.

The children worked collaboratively and shared their knowledge with their parents and VIPs. It was an incredible performance and the children’s presentation skills were phenomenal. It truly was a fantastic celebration of the learning that has taken place over the last term.

Thank you to all that came and supported the children.