Year 2 Superheroes – Class 7 at Harry Priestley House

To support our learning about helping our local communities, some of Class 7 enjoyed a visit to Harry Priestley House which cares for adults with learning disabilities. The children made cards and pictures for the residents and sang our crew song, The Climb. The residents were thrilled to meet the children and we hope to visit again soon. Well done boys and girls, we are so proud of our little superheroes!

We’re in Thorne Times for our charity work…

Here is the article in Thorne Times to celebrate last terms learning for ’How do we care for bears?’

Although all of the children couldn’t be in the photograph, we are very proud of each and every child in the EYFS Crew for their beautiful and kind work.

Well done everyone!

Nursery – Creating woodlands for our bears

Yesterday, the children and Nursery had a wonderful time creating their own woodland trays for their bears to live in as part of our expedition learning ’How do we care for bears?’ The children explored natural objects in our environment to make their trays and drew their own bears to add in. The children even added porridge oats to feed them. Well done Nursery! We are so proud of you for your creativeness, innovation and imagination!