We are storytellers

This morning in English, the children worked collaboratively to tell a story just from the images. They had to listen carefully to each others ideas and explain their opinions to their group. We then went on to listen to the story and discuss whether our own ideas had been similar or different to the real plot.

I really enjoyed listening to your discussions and story telling.

F2’s Awesome trip to Austerfield

The children in F2 had an awesome trip to Austerfield today. Despite the wind, rain and even the little bit of snow we all had an amazing time. The children got the chance to do lots of team activities based around the stories of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘The Gingerbread Man’. They worked as teams to build the Three Pigs houses, used problem solving skills to get the Gingerbread Man down the river without getting him wet and even got the chance to decorate and eat their own Gingerbread Men. A big Thank you to the parents that offered their time to help us on our trip today, you make these lovely experiences possible.

Fun at family learning!

A huge thank you to the parents that came to join us today for our family learning afternoon. We set a ‘scrapheap’ style challenge where we asked children and their adults to make buildings and features from our local area. The models produced were amazing and the children had so much fun making them with you. We had a lovely range of models from churches, supermarkets, homes, parks, Green top school and many more. Please see the gallery below of our lovely afternoon.

Class 4 postcard home

Lewis blew me away in Expedition this morning answering questions about different buildings in Thorne and being able to explain what buildings he could see on his journey. His blending and reading of sentences were amazing!.

Keep up the super work, I am so proud of you

Miss Stewart

Mental Health Week in Crew Oldridge

This week we have read The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. We have really enjoyed the text and talked at length about not feeling the pressure to be anything but yourself.

Class 13 also finished their writing touchdowns. They were really interested to compare their writing with the first piece they produced in year 4 and were pleasantly surprised.

Phase assembly and postcard winners.

Lots to celebrate in this morning’s assembly in class 6.

Ezra, Savannah and Reeva won certificates for work hard, be kind and get smart respectively and Deacon was overall HoWL point winner. Nathaniel held on to his reading champion cup for another week and Adam joined the picture too as he missed out on last week’s celebration.

Kalab won our learning legend postcard for a day with many good choices and Deacon shared his swimming certificate with us.

Keep up the good work crew x