Class 5’s visit to Weston Museum!

WOW What a day we had yesterday! It was incredible to see the children so excited about all the exhibits throughout West Park Museum. We got to explore what living in Sheffield was like in the 1950s, what jobs people used to have and how what the ‘Steel City’ really had to offer. The children got to browse the incredible art in the gallery, looking at different interpretations of the rural fields and hills, the 5 main rivers that run through Sheffield, the steel factories and how it has changed over the years to the urbanised, high rise built up area we drove through.

I can’t wait to see the finished banner we created with print working too. The children got to use real ink to make impressions, printed onto a wonderful fabric banner. Hopefully we can display these proudly in school 😀 We took so many amazing pictures, I couldn’t choose the best, just look at all our smiling faces!!!