Class 5 Wonderful Homework

I am so impressed with the children’s attitude towards their home learning. Not only are they practising their reading and Numbots but we have also had some beautiful home learning. Thank you so much to everyone who has sent in beautiful homework. We are really enjoying sharing our homework in our crew sessions and the children have been adding their HoWL point to our class charts. I wonder who will be this week HoWL point winner?

Here is a selection of just some of the homework we have celebrated:

Nyah made the Bakery on Pudding Lane – This is amazing Nyah! What a super model.

Class 5 Drama Workshop

On Thursday Class 5 had such a fantastic morning in their drama workshop. We had a fantastic lady who was in role throughout the session, talking about the Great Fire of London and recapping the children’s learning. First she pretended to be Mr Farriner, the baker believed to have owned the bakery that started the fire. Next she became Samuel Pepys who wrote a diary all about the fire. The Children were answering lots of questions and she was very impressed with what they knew. The children then did their own freeze frame pictures and acted out a story in groups, as well as singing rounds of ‘London’s Burning!’ We all thoroughly enjoyed the experience and got so much out of it! Well done class 5. I am so proud of how you can talk about the learning you have done so far.

Nursery at Sherwood Pines

On behalf of the Nursery team and myself we would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who joined us on our trip to Sherwood Pines. We had a wonderful day navigating our way around the Gruffalo orienteering trail, enjoying the Gruffalo story in the forest and creating nature art. The children were a credit to you all and the school. We were very proud of each and every one of the children for their excitement and hard work. I’m sure all of the children slept very well last night! Here is a sneak peek of some of the photos taken. Mrs Burton will upload more today. Watch this space…

Reception Owl Experience

The children in Reception had a fantastic visit from ‘The Yorkshire Owl Experience’. The children loved listening to Steve about the owls and enjoyed having the opportunity to stroke and hold some owls. We learned many new words and facts about owls. Their names, more about their habitat, feeding and the different types of owls. All children have personal photographs in their learning files that will be shared with you as the year progresses.

Reception- Crew Carter Postcard Winner

Congratulations to Dominik for being our postcard winner today! Dominik is a true role model to his Crew and shows great ‘Being kind’ HoWLs every day! Dominik has ben working super hard in class and has even been doing extended study at home! I am so proud of you Dominik! Keep up the great work!

Year 4: More Murton Park!

What a fantastic day we had at Murton Park today! We greeted Marcus in Latin and then had a tour around a Roman fort before getting dressed in our Roman tunics!

We spent the morning practising our Roman writing and maths skills and also signed a 25 year contract for the Roman army! We also enjoyed making Roman pots which we were able to fetch home.

After lunch in the barracks, we learned more about the armour and weapons that the Romans used. We then practised some military drills with our spear and shield. We also practised javelin throwing and learnt how the army would use a Gladius for fighting! The shields were so heavy!

Finally, to end a busy day we practised the Testudo! After all our hard work, we were paid our wages at the ceremony and were also able to fetch our wages home with us!

Class 12 – Roman Workshop 🏛️

What a day it has been in Year 4 today! We were lucky enough to have Clare come into school to lead a Roman workshop for us. We managed to complete a wide-range of Roman-related different activities throughout the day.

We began the day with introductions and greetings in Latin. Once we had done this, we learnt what it would be like to be a part of the Roman army with Reuben making a great soldier! We then put our skills to good use during marching practise with Natalia doing a great job of leading the group! Take a look at our testudo!

Next, we practised writing Roman numerals and letters using the wax tablets. This was a method of writing that allowed the Romans to reuse the same equipment (a little bit like our whiteboards!)

We finished before dinner with a game of Merels. This was a two player game from the Roman times, very similar to noughts and crosses, which the children loved!

After lunch, we were introduced to Roman arches and aqueducts. We were able to build our own and could see the amazing physics behind the construction of an arch. Finally, we finished off with Roman mosaics to create some interesting patterns!

Here are some of the finished mosaics!

Year 2 visitor

Year 2 have had a special visitor this afternoon from James Fenwick who is a firefighter working for Humberside fire and rescue service. He told us all about his job and what he does day to day, his special kit that he wears and how to stay safe near fires and what to do in an emergency.

The children have loved asking questions and gained lots of new knowledge all about a local hero.

Thank you

The year 2 team