Class 5 – Home Achievements

We love to celebrate the children’s achievement out of school as well as in school. This half term we have celebrated Maisie’s dancing, Alfie and Izaak’s Martial Arts and Poppy’s swimming! Super achievements! I am very proud of you all.

Reception- Owl Babies

The children in reception have explored the key text ‘Owl babies’ as part of their expeditionary guiding question ‘What do stories tell us about Autumn? ‘ The children have focussed on the descriptive language in the text and of recalling the story to each other. Here is some of our beautiful work.

Class 5: Martha’s Super Book

Martha was excited to share the book she has been writing at home. What a brilliant author and illustrator you are Martha! All of Class 5 were really impressed and enjoyed listening to her story. Well done Martha!


A huge well done to Jack for correctly guessing the code to release all these fabulous prizes as well as winning a new book!

Miss Knowles has refilled the safe ready for lots more people to have a chance at winning more prizes tomorrow! Remember it is 50p a go for the rest of this week! Good Luck!!

Class 5: We are Artists!

During Case Study 2 we have been learning about the different techniques artists use. We have also been learning about Primary and Secondary colours and have been mixing our own colours.

Class 5: Police Visit

The children had a super time learning about the different roles of the police last week. The loved looking at the different vehicles and learning about how the police use dogs and drones. Thank you to our awesome visitors. We had an amazing time and learned lots of new things about the police.