Year 1: Miss Schon’s Phonics Group

This week we are learning the sound /ure/ ‘sure cure’. The children are continuing to impress me with their confidence and knowledge of all the things we have been learning. We have set ourselves a group challenge of improving our reading fluency. This week we have been having fun practising our ‘word count per minute’. Our target is to read at least 35 words correctly in one minute on an unknown text. The children have loved this and have said they are feeling more confident to recognise words by sight instead of having to sound them out. I have also noticed that children are spotting when they have not read a word correctly and are going back to try the word again. I am so impressed with you all and it is lovely to see you enjoying reading so much.

I have set the children a challenge to try this at home with their school reading books. Ask an adult to set a one minute timer and record how many words you read correctly before the timer runs out. Can you keep beating your score?