Road Safety Star

Well done to Erin for bringing her wonderful road safety poster to school today! We have been talking lots about road safety and Erin used her own time to produce something awesome!

Well done Erin and thank you for sharing with us!

Mrs Wallace 😊



Problem Solving

Class 6 blew me away with their hard work in tackling our time problems in maths today! They worked beautifully in their collaborative groups and I saw some fabulous peer support and coaching!

I am so proud of you all!

Keep up the hard work!

Mrs Wallace 😊

Months of the Year

We have been looking at the months of the year this week. We love the months of the year song- Especially when it goes really fast at the end!

Have fun singing along!


Mrs Wallace

Days of the Week

This week in Maths we have been learning the days of the week and we have been using this song to help us. I am sure the children will love to sing the song for you and show how amazing they are!!

Have fun!

Mrs Wallace

Maths is fun at Green Top!

The Year 5 life skills groups with Mrs Walton used weight and measure to bake cookies in preparation for the following days maths lesson about fractions.

They were rewarded for their hard work by eating the cookies after they divided them into the correct fractions.




Money Matters

This morning Mrs Robson and Emmeline were learning about money.

They discussed the value of different coins and notes then took it in turns to buy things at the Hub Shop!

Emmeline had great fun shopping for Waybuloo DVDs.


Literacy Predictions

Today in Class 6 we have been exploring our new text in Literacy. The children put together the jigsaw pieces of the front cover and did some predictions of what they think the story will be about.

We can’t wait until tomorrow to find out if we were right!

We will keep you posted.

Mrs Wallace 😊

Time for Maths

Today in Maths we have been making our very own clocks in preparation for our unit on Time. The children were great at adding the numbers in the correct order and we can’t wait to use them next week for some time telling fun!!

Well done everyone!

Mrs Wallace 😊

Fabulous Phonics

Well done to all of the children in Class 6 for some amazing phonics work! We had lots of fun playing reading games and spotting our Phase 5 sounds in real and alien words whilst reading those words.

Keep up the hard work Class 6!

What a super first week back!

Mrs Wallace 😊