Chocolatey Maths and science!

In science, we have been learning how materials change state and in maths, we have been looking at statistics in maths and how to read and draw tally charts, bar charts and line graphs –  so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to use chocolate to investigate our theme in a little more detail!

To complete the tally charts, we quizzed year 4 on their preferred chocolate flavours and then converted the results into a bar chart – making sure we had a correct scale and appropriate labels.

To generate data for our line graph, we investigated how quickly chocolate melted and compared the temperature of the water as it cooled the chocolate! Class 10 showed great restraint with all the melted chocolate around the class room!

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Collaboration Critique Central

On Friday, Class 7 were very busy collaborating and critiquing in our maths lesson.

Each time we try peer critique the children just grow in confidence and can undertake the task better than the last. The children were specific, kind and helpful and totally…BRILLIANT! Well done Class 7!

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Mrs Hay 🙂

Maths Challenge

The first person to solve this brain teaser in the comments wins a prize!