Fabulous Phonics

Well done to all of the children in Class 6 for some amazing phonics work! We had lots of fun playing reading games and spotting our Phase 5 sounds in real and alien words whilst reading those words.

Keep up the hard work Class 6!

What a super first week back!

Mrs Wallace 😊

Literacy Labs

This week in Literacy Labs we have been making containers to transport our dragon. The children had art straws and lots of problems to solve. I was super impressed by the ideas that they planned and then transferred into their models!!

Well done guys 😊

Mrs Wallace


This week in phonics our sounds have been ure, air and oo (the short sound like in book or cook)

We found these quite tricky, especially ure. Something that might help is talking through some words where the spelling is the same for ure but it sounds different.

eg Pleasure, treasure, pure, cure, insure.

Can you think of any more?

Could you write them out and then highlight the sound?

Thanks for your continued support.


Awesome home learning…

Sophie and Courtney have been so busy at home this week! Sophie made an incredible tank and Courtney has spent two evenings this week practising writing sentences which include fronted adverbials. A huge well done girls! Mrs Ogle and I are very proud of you!

Mrs Hay 🙂




The children in Class 6 showed some fabulous teamwork today when they were making their catapults to capture a dragon 🐉 They had to work together to make their catapults, and to test them out-I look forward to reading all of your instructions that you will write tomorrow!!

Well done!

Teamwork makes the dream work!! 😊

Mrs Wallace

Literacy Labs

This week we have started Literacy Labs in Year1. The children were fantastic at exploring and making dragons, we tried to make dragons that could fly!! The children worked together and solved problems to construct their flying dragons- We had so much fun testing them out! Well done Class 6!

Mrs Wallace




This week in phonics our sounds have been ar, or, igh and er. As an activity maybe you could write the sounds on a card and then see if you can spot those sounds in your favourite book. Have a lovely long weekend!!

Mrs Wallace


This week in year 1 we have been covering ai, ee, oo and oa in our phonics sessions. Maybe you could ask your children to write some words with those sounds in like the examples above-don’t forget your sound buttons!!

If you bring in your sounds I will be giving out house points-I wonder how many words you can think of?

Mrs Wallace