Green Top Kindness Advent Calendar

Reception Christmas Family learning

A reminder that family learning for reception is on Wednesday next week – the 4th of December at 2pm in the hall. Please arrive to the school office for 2pm to join us for an afternoon of Christmas Crafts! We look forward to a lovely christmassy afternoon !

KS1 Presentation of Learning tomorrow

We hope you are looking forward to our performance tomorrow afternoon. Just a little reminder that our product for this term will be available to buy at the event. The children have worked really hard to produce this impressive notebook, crammed full of all the things they have learned in our ‘Rags to Riches’ expedition as well as lots of photographs of the exciting sessions they have participated in and space for them to practise their spellings or maths work. The books will be priced at just £4 each and would make excellent stocking fillers but don’t delay if you want to buy one as we only have a limited number.

Crew Dutton – Kindness Rocks!

This week in crew, we have been busy being kind by being good stewards around school and litter picking on the school grounds to keep them clean and tidy for everyone. We have also added our decorated rocks to the new rock garden at the front of school … why not take a look and enjoy one of the motivational messages for yourself.

Year 5 and 6 PoL – Science Lectures

A reminder that Year 5 and 6’s Presentation of Learning takes place next week. The children are going to present their learning from this expedition as a science lecture which will take place at Trinity Academy in their lecture theatre.

The children have been working incredibly hard in their groups for the past couple of weeks to create their lecture slides and scripts and we can’t wait for you to see it!

Year 5 – Wednesday 4th December @5.30pm

Year 6 – Thursday 5th December @5.30pm