Year 1’s Learning Legends are….

…Thea for your brilliant maths work. Can you work out what 3 digit number she is representing here? And Jacob for spending his time today helping Mummy by cleaning out his paddling pool ready to enjoy the VE celebrations tomorrow.

Real Can Do Colin attitudes.

Here is our critique for today.

I notice lots of us challenging ourselves to go for green standard in our work.
I praise your wonderful story writing which includes lots of Year 1 features.
I wonder what you will get up to tomorrow for VE day.

Today’s Year 1 Learning Legends are……

…Andra for your smashing story about Jack and the Jelly Beanstalk, jam packed with fabulous adjectives and Esme for putting on your teacher hat and giving Mummy a lesson on counting. Real Exploring Eddies!

I notice fabulous story writing.

I praise how well your grown ups have done in their maths learning today.

I wonder if they got all of their counting problems correct.

Learning Superstars

Lots of wonderful learning has been happening in the houses and gardens of Year 1 children today. It is getting harder and harder to choose our learning legends as everyone is so enthusiastic and motivated.

However for today I have chosen…..

Toby for his wonderful, thoughtful self critique and Macey for working super hard and doing 3 whole days worth of maths and English.

Great job you two. Real Can-do-Colin attitudes.


Happy Monday!

What a lovely first day back I’ve had after my little rest seeing all the amazing things you have been doing. I’m blown away by how much you are all learning at home.

I notice how good you are getting at ‘reading’ a hundred square.

I praise the lovely drawings you have done today to accompany your English work.

So hard to choose just two but our learning legends for today are……(drum roll please)…..

Jack for your imaginative English work about what you might find at the top of your beanstalk and Robyn for doing fantastic maths work even though it’s your birthday.

Well done you two…real Motivated Moes x

Deaf Awareness Week – COMPETITION

Some of the staff at Plover School have set a signing challenge for their students an I thought you guys may want to get involved, Thanks to Miss Blackham for sharing this with me.

How many of these words can you spell using the BSL signs for the letters of the alphabet?

Here’s a youtube clip to get you started. There will be 4 prizes available for the most impressive attempts. (one per phase if there are enough entries)

Winners will be announced on Monday 18th May.