It has been great to receive super artwork today! Mrs Green will be so proud!
Category : Mrs Overson’s class 2019-20
Well done year 6 for your efforts today!
I noticed some great geography and map skills
I praise your efforts in Maths with angles on a straight line
I praise SPAG knowledge
Super! I can’t wait to see what you all hand in tomorrow!
Shout out to those who self marked using the answers!

Check out these slides:
Please support us in planning for a provision as requested for a POSSIBLE reopening for your children on 1st June. highest score is 13,309…let me know how you get on!

……Kate and Ruby!
Fabulous expedition work today guys!
You have been Exploring Eddie’s and Curious Cleo’s!
Well Done!

If your work is here, I am super proud of the effort you have put into your work today!
Leah is our Motivated Moe today and Riley is Our Can do Colin!