Learning council have made us super proud this week by leading a successful Maths Week!
I can’t wait to see what happens during our book week challenges!

Learning council have made us super proud this week by leading a successful Maths Week!
I can’t wait to see what happens during our book week challenges!
Thank you to everyone who took part, donated buns and dressed up!
We have raised an impressive £250 for NSPCC.
Thank you to everyone who took part in today’s maths quiz!
We hope you had as much fun as we did answering the questions.
A winner from each phase was drawn out this afternoon – well done to the following children:
WOW! We had approximately 250 children complete the 100 challenge today! Thank you so much!
We can’t wait to make a display in school to show how different 100 can look. We will share a photo of the display once we’ve created it!
Tomorrows challenge: Family Maths Quiz (children should have brought this home today)! Good Luck!
A great atmosphere in Crew 17 this morning.
A great piece of work here by Lily sharing her Crew Robertson experiences and highlights.
Great discussions and examples around word class!
We are very excited for maths week!
We will be celebrating maths and to do this we will be doing the following:
Please see the link below for dress up ideas and more information about NSPCC maths day:
Monday’s challenge is: Who can find the oldest coin? This needs to be a coin that you can currently spend in the UK. Place in an envelop child’s name, the coin enclosed and date! Good Luck!
GT Learning Council
Well done to all winners today – remember to update your house point charts before Wednesdays to be in with a chance of winning a prize!