Crew Overson – 23rd March 2020

Good morning guys

Please log on to Google classroom and comment on the stream I have sent.  I have also shared a Google Doc with you all to comment on.

Your daily learning is now on the classroom but please wait until we have ‘hung out’ at 9:15.

Speak soon guys!

Mrs O x

Green Top Home school suggested timetable

Year 6

Good afternoon

We are aware that our Y6 students are struggling with the unknown and indefinite return to school.

Whatever the outcome and lack of clarity around how year 6 will continue we will continue to work with our students until our end date in July and beyond if we are asked and able to do so.
All Y6 children will get a Y6 hoodie and we will have a leavers party for our kids when we are allowed to do so.
We will keep in touch with both parents and students over the coming weeks.
Thanks for your continued support.
Mrs Overson and the Year 6 team.
In order to ensure we are in touch with all of our students whilst they are self isolating or not attending school due to the closure notice. We have created a web page on our website ‘home learning portal’ ( which will be regularly updated.
In addition, teachers will be inviting children in F2-Y6 into the ‘google classroom’ to work on activities (these will also be hosted on our home learning page.) Reception children will have a pack sent home with an exercise book and pencil enclosed tomorrow after school to complete their activities in from next week if working at home.
There will also be sessions for teaching staff in Y1-Y6 to ‘hangout’ using google hangouts through their school log ins and these times will be communicated via the school blog but all be in a morning (9am / 9.30am / 10am OR 2pm / 2.30pm). In order to ensure we are in communication with children whilst they are not at school we will follow the following protocols for communication.
1st check
Online learning interaction with a class teacher. 
2nd check (if first check not achieved by 11am)
Text to main mobile number asking to make contact via email or learning action by 12pm
3rd check (if second check not achieved by 1pm)
Phone Call Home to contacts in order (speaking to the child if possible).
Final check (if necessary)
Home visit by 2 staff
Finally, we have, and will continue to, provide our whole curriculum on the ‘Our Expeditions’ tab of the school website. As the time progresses we will populate the case studies within our Summer Expeditions to allow for children to learn at home.
Any child who would like an exercise book and pencil to record their work in is welcome to do so please ask class teachers.


Today, we need to go further, because according to SAGE [the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies] it looks as though we’re now approaching the fast growth part of the upward curve.

And without drastic action, cases could double every 5 or 6 days.

So, first, we need to ask you to ensure that if you or anyone in your household has one of those two symptoms, (the high temperature OR a new and continuous cough) then you should stay at home for fourteen days.

That means that if possible you should not go out even to buy food or essentials, other than for exercise, and in that case at a safe distance from others. If necessary, you should ask for help from others for your daily necessities. And if that is not possible, then you should do what you can to limit your social contact when you leave the house to get supplies.

And even if you don’t have symptoms and if no one in your household has symptoms, there is more that we need you to do now.

Thank you for your continued vigilance and support at this uncertain time

Miss Salter, Mr Butler and the executive team of the XP Trust.

UPDATE: Y5 and Y6 lectures next week

As a precautionary measure we have decided to cancel the lectures at Trinity Academy for Y5 and Y6 next week. This is not an essential visit and therefore we do not want to cause any unnecessary group gatherings. As an alternative the children will record their lectures in school as voice overs and these will be shared via links with parents and carers and hosted on the school blog to celebrate the learning.

Experts in Y5/6

We have been so lucky in Years 5 and 6 over the past week.  We have worked with Don Thomas, the astronaut and now we have had a lecture from Jim Kennedy, a retired director from NASA!  What an amazing week we’ve had!

We are now busy preparing to deliver our own lectures next week.

Tuesday 17th – Y5 – 5:30 @ Trinity Academy

Thursday 19th – Y6 – 5:30 @ Trinity Academy

Crew Overson’s winner

It was great to see so many book characters in Crew Overson yesterday. We love to read and so it was an enjoyable day for us!

Our winner was Louis, not just because he looked amazing but because he was also in full character all day! He was an awesome Gangster Granny!