Congratulations to the KS1 raffle winners!

Well done Chloe, Jamie, Jack and Eve for winning the raffle prizes for our reading competition.   We are super proud of your hard work.

Don’t forget everyone there will be another draw in 4 weeks so another 8 chances to get a ticket with your name on it.  Remember bring your reading pack into school to change!


We love maths!

On Friday Class 5 had a great time celebrating Maths Day by dressing up.  They did great learning exploring how to add two numbers by using a tens frame to add to ten and count on.  Great work everybody!


Friends of Green Top are hosting another disco

Thursday 13th February

3pm-3.45pm KS1/EYFS

4pm-5pm KS2

50p to enter (please hand your money to class teachers or pay on the door)

snack and drink £1 (typically hot dog or pizza slice)

sweets and crisps priced at 10p, 20p, 50p and £1

If you’re available to help at the disco please let a member of the ‘Friends of Green Top’ group know.

Class 5 know their geography!

Well done class 5 for using your geographical vocabulary when describing a place for your team to guess.  I love how many people could remember whether a place was in Thorne, Doncaster or from further away.