Class 7 Learning Legend is…

India, for being a super Connecting Connie in her maths work this week!! 

Shes really tried her best making links with her timetables and for subtracting hundreds and tens away from 3 digit numbers. What a super star!

Keep up the great work!!!

Mrs Faulding and Mrs Burton 😊 🌟

School Games Active Championship

Youth Sports Trust have teamed up with TopYa to create an exclusive School Games Active Championship which can be used by pupils and schools.

Three times a week TopYa! Release a challenge for pupils to try. Children practise the challenges, then submit their best video using a mobile device to receive personal coaching feedback from the TopYa! team of experienced virtual coaches. Points are earned for each video submitted, leading to climbing leaderboards and winning prizes!

The TopYa! Active app is committed to online safety and meets rigorous COPPA and GDPR safeguarding standards. No one can communicate within the app. All children can do to communicate with one another is give each other a virtual ‘high-five’, which functions like a social media ‘like’.

The points pupils gain are then tallied up and compared in a league table against other Doncaster schools (in the Rossington School Games Area).

This is completely free and a great way for pupils to be active at home and at school.

I have attached above information from TopYa! And you can also read more on the School Games Website.

You will need the following code which is unique to your school: 22612


Good luck and enjoy!

Class 7 Learning Legend, Tuesday 23rd!

I just want to say a huge well done to everyone for trying their best in their learning so far this week. Expedition and Passage Presentations are a little different to what we are used to this week and i’m SO proud of how everyone is throwing themselves in to each activity, no matter how difficult or different it is.

It’s hot, you’re missing your friends and being at school but you are still putting in the effort and doing the work each day, making sure you’re putting it on the classroom streams for us to see. So I’m giving EVERYONE who has submitted work today the learning legend. You’re Can Do Colin’s but also Motivated Moe’s, C,C,C Charlie’s and I’m blown away.

Keep it up Superstars. You make us smile each day with your fantastic ideas and approaches to your learning. You definitely have better ideas than what we could come up with!! 😊

Mrs Faulding! Xxx

Memory Lane Monday’s in Class 7!

A great day in Class 7 today as children reflected on their 6 highlights of Year 2! Well done to everyone on being Connecting Connie’s in maths today too- adding 100 to both 2 and 3 digit numbers!

Learning Legend today is: 

Oscar for his wonderfully thoughtful letter to a resident living in a local retirement home as part of his Beavers challenge. He has been a Light Bulb Leo by including great features in his sentences and I loved the joke that you included too! 


Amy (and her sister Sophie) for their charity bun sale over the weekend! It’s on our blog page already but they both worked incredibly hard to organise it and of course bake all of the delicious cakes. They raised a whopping £50 for Blue Cross Animal Rescue where they got their lovely dog Murphy from. 

Well done guys, I’m so proud of you all!!! 

Mrs Faulding 🙂 xxx

Funky Friday Learning Legend

Today’s been a good day! Lots of lovely book reviews have been sent in and you have shown that you can calculate how much change you would get from a specific amount!

Today’s Learning Legend is

Freya for being a Motivated Moe. Freya you have completed all your work and recorded some facts about the food chain of a butterfly.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Burton 🙂

Today’s Learning Legends

Well it’s been the very end of a very wet day but your work has been the sunshine.

Today’s Learning Legends are

Rhylee for being a Motivated Moe in his maths work! Well done Rhylee.


Jake for being a Can do Colin and recording some amazing facts about bees.

Mrs Burton 🙂

Today’s Learning Legends are…

There is some wonderful work to share today Class 7! Well done to all of you who have sent work in for us to see 🙂

Today’s Learning Legends are

Jesse for his determination to complete his maths work even though he was finding it tricky. Well done for being a Stickability Stan Jesse.


Faith for being a Connecting Connie and sharing her FANTASTIC recording for our Expedition work. It was full of very interesting facts Faith and I was SO impressed!

See you all tomorrow

Mrs Burton 🙂

Tuesday’s wow home learning in Class 7!

Here’s a sneak peak of some of the things the children in Class 7 have been up to today!

Another great day using different coins to make certain amounts.

Children have worked hard to think of a jobs list for Percy to be doing in the park!

Today’s learning legend: 

Crystal…for working so hard in maths today! She’s been a Light Bulb Leo cutting and sticking lots of different coins to make lots of amounts. So blown away by your efforts. Keep it up!! 


Leo…for being an Exploring Eddie today. Leo has completed his learning electronically because he knew that the written method wasn’t working for him which is great. It’s so important to be happy in your learning and make sure you’re doing it in a way to suit your style so I’m really impressed by Leo reflecting on this!! Super star 🙂 

Well done everyone!!

Mrs Faulding xxx