Well done to our postcard winners so far this week!
Really impressed by how you’re all immersing yourselves in to your English and expedition learning this week!
Keep it up!!
Mrs Faulding x
Well done to our postcard winners so far this week!
Really impressed by how you’re all immersing yourselves in to your English and expedition learning this week!
Keep it up!!
Mrs Faulding x
Children from Year 2-5 had a fun-filled time at XP East today as we met up with children who are also digital leaders from across the trust. We began the day with a brilliant tour of XP and XP East before working hard to understand the role of a digital leader, why digital leaders are important and the qualities a digital leader should have. I was blown away by the children’s efforts and collaboration but also the courage they demonstrated to share their ideas in front of a big audience! A great day was had by all and the children will now share their learning with the leadership team at Green Top. Thank you to Mr. Portman and XP for having us for the day…we had a great time!
We looked at the handwriting statement on our writing rubric and focussed on the wording of it, ‘using horizontal lines to develop joined handwriting’. The children reflected and compared their own handwriting against this statement and we made a pledge.
We discussed where our letters should be sitting on the lines in our books, looking at ascenders and descenders and then used the interactive Letter-join videos to practice writing the letters correctly using the horizontal lines.
We then practised writing some new key words that we’ve been introduced this week from our music case study (CS3). The children were incredibly focussed throughout the task and produced the most stunning handwriting, all using those horizontal lines ready to join.
I’m proud of you all but I could also see how proud you were of yourselves and the beautiful work that you had produced. I now challenge you to produce this on every piece of learning in your books! I know you can do it! ⭐️
Mrs Faulding x
Yesterday afternoon, we took some time to really focus and harness in on some particular skills in readiness for our next assessment week.
Some children grappled with a reading comprehension task that linked to our expedition focus, really sticking their teeth in to their retrieval skills and developing their understanding of a text. You all did amazing!
Other children asked if they could develop their rapid recall of their times tables to support them with their arithmetic tests. They used TT Rockstars battling against each other, encouraging one another to do their best and to beat their scores each time. You all smashed it! I can see huge improvements in all of you!
Well done everyone!
Mrs Faulding x
A shout out to some of our postcard winners from this week!
You’ve all had a fab start to our new half term by really challenging yourselves in your learning.
I’m really proud of you all, keep it up! You stars!
Mrs Faulding x
Happy Half Term!
You’ve all worked so hard and we are so proud of you all and your amazing efforts each and every day!! You super stars!
Moving forward….
I wonder…could you practice your spellings at least 3 times a week?
You should be able to spell these words by the end of Year 4.
Check out the spelling menu for some different ideas on how you could do this.
Don’t forget to share them with us either in school or upload to the classroom so we can hand out some HoWL points!
A big thank you to everyone who brought in their own books last week to share with the class as part of National story telling week. It was so wonderful to read snippets of your books each day as well as discussing your favourite bits of the stories and your most loved characters.
I hope that you all enjoyed sharing your books too with your friends and perhaps found some new stories that you’d like to dive in to?
“Reading is a passport to countless adventures” – Mary Pope Osborne
Mrs Faulding x
This is a shout out to everyone in Crew Faulding for being absolute super stars in magic maths over the last couple of weeks.
I feel that now we are really secure in our maths model and the expectations that underpin this. We come in from break, get settled straight away and begin our learning with such a positive learning attitude, ready to lead our own learning and be ‘our best selves’.
Well done everyone, keep it up! Super proud!!
Mrs Faulding x
This afternoon Year 4 took part in a Road Safety session provided by Doncaster Council. We watched various different scenarios surrounding the dangers posed when crossing roads and discussed how these situations could have been avoided.
You all had such sensible suggestions and had lots of prior knowledge already so well done everyone! Now it’s just ensuring that we remember these when we are out and about to keep ourselves and others safe!
In Expedition this week, we’ve been exploring magnets and thinking carefully about how they could be used to support our guiding question ‘Why should we protect our beautiful planet?’.
As part of our Science Case Study, we looked at the properties of a magnet and how they can very cleverly repel or attract. We also thought about where we see magnets around our homes and what they can be used for.
We discussed how magnets can be useful when recycling and how this will help the world that we live in!
Next, we will be investigating different objects and materials and developing our understanding further!