TT Rockstar Club

Check out their concentration!

I’ve been well and truly blown away the last couple of weeks at TT Rockstars by how hard the children are trying.

The focus and dedication they have got to beat their scores, or improve their times is fantastic!

We have certainly got some rock legends in the making here and I have no doubt that they will be whizzing through the multiplication test at the end of Year 4.

Well done everyone, see you next Monday.

P.s you’ve all got 30 HoWL points for working hard and getting smart even after the school day has finished!

Mrs Faulding x

Year 3/4 Crew Assembly

It was great for our crew leaders to share some lovely shout outs about individuals in our crews today. Those people who have really gone that extra mile this week and got recognised and praised for their super attitudes towards their learning, it’s wonderful to hear!

Also, well done to Crew Myers on being the overall HoWL score winner this week. I wonder who it will be next week spinning the wheel for a crew reward?

Finally, a big well done to Crew Myers and Crew Faulding on being the attendance winners this week too! Let’s keep this going guys as we want to keep building our attendance money up!

Yorkshire Wildlife Park!

Reading Immersion in Year 4!

After reading the first two chapters outside, we retreated back in to our toasty warm classrooms for a yummy hot chocolate and to write some fantastic predictions about what we believe will happen in our text.

We’d like to make a shout out to all of the children for their excellent listening skills and for sitting so sensibly- you were all super stars! It was a really lovely experience!

Mrs Faulding, Mr Oldridge and Miss Myers x

Music Hook Day!

WOW! What an awesome day we’ve had! I’m so pleased with how engaged and excited all the children have been throughout all the Music themed activities linking to our case study.

We began the day by designing CD’s linking to our learning around climate change to immerse our classroom.

We then researched Music through the ages. Each group focussed on music from a different decade and used the IPads to research and create a mood board!

Then the moment we’d all been waiting for… KARAOKE! We were all blown away by how brave and confident everyone were to get up and sing in front of everyone! What an absolutely brilliant afternoon!

What is beautiful in our community?

Year 4 have kick started Hook Week with a lovely walk around our community today.

We focussed on what is beautiful in our community and what we think is spoiling it.

The children were really reflective in their responses and also enjoyed the fresh air chatting and catching up after Christmas! There was a lovely, buzzing Crew spirit today!

The children then made pledges about what they are going to do to keep our local community beautiful! Super start Year 4!

Christmas Competition Winners!

Well done to Abbie and Damion for winning our two Christmas competitions! The winning elf name was ‘Cinnamon’ and the total number of candy canes was 52. We managed to raise a fantastic total to go towards our Year 6 leavers fund so thank you for all of your donations.

Football fun in PE!

The children have created a critique that they wanted to share;

I notice- we have learnt how to do high touches and low touches

we have learnt how to pass the ball closer and further

I praise- we now feel confident to collaborate with bigger groups to master these skills.

we have remembered the importance of looking up

I wonder- if we can get smart by remembering all of the skills we’ve practised this term and always remember to keep moving, be open and find space.