We have had a wonderful first week back in F2 this week. Here is a round up of the things we have been learning this week.
In line with our update behaviour policy in school we have introduced HoWL points to replace ‘house points’. HoWL stands for ‘Habits of Work and Learning’ and our HoWLs make up our school rules ‘ The Green Top Code’. In F2 children’s HoWL points will be linked to our key principles of ‘Be Kind, Work Hard and Get Smart’ we have also introduced ‘Be Safe’ HoWL points to encourage the children to be mindful of how to keep themselves and others safe during the current pandemic.
At the end of each day we reflect on our daily HoWL’s in crew and discuss how we have demonstrated our HoWLs throughout the day.
In phonics this week we have reviewed the sounds learned so far and have also focused on oral blending and segmenting games. Check out our F2 Google classroom for examples of games you could play at home. We have also been learning the Phase 2 tricky words and children have been given a keyring with these words on to practise at home.
In maths we have have been focusing on addition and have played some fun adding games.
In Literacy we continued to read the story of Owl Babies and we had a go at writing what the owls were feeling, thinking and saying and different points in the story.
As always the children have worked incredibly hard this week and we are very proud of them all. We have also seen lots of home learning activities taking place and we will continue to share these with the class in our homework crew sessions on Thursday each week. All of our home learning activities can be found in the F2 Google Classroom. If you have not yet logged into the Google classroom you can log in through the Green Top website using the username and password shown below:
username: firstname.surname34
password: password
If you have trouble logging in please email [email protected]
Our daily lessons are uploaded to the Google Classroom for any children who are isolating at home.
Thank You,
Miss Schon and Miss Vaughan