National Storytelling Week – Coffee Afternoon

Next week (3rd Feb – 7th Feb) is National Storytelling Week and we are going to combine it with Maths Week!

Please join us for our coffee afternoon on Friday 7th February 2pm – 3pm to enjoy sharing stories (especially maths relates ones) with your children!

If you would like to attend, please book your place using the Google Form below.

We look forward to you joining us!

Crew Spetch – The Eye

Yesterday, we enjoyed learning all about the different parts of the eye and how they work! It was fascinating finding out how they all work together to enable us to see. Today, we sketched a scientific diagram of the eye and used water colours to add detail! Look how great they look!

Y5/6 Christmas Disco

The Year 5/6 Christmas disco will take place on Thursday 12th December straight after school 3.15 – 4.15pm.

Children will not need money as treats will be provided. They also won’t need to get changed as it is already Christmas jumper / non uniform day on Thursday!

Pick up will be from normal classroom doors at 4.15pm.

Any questions, please contact class teachers or [email protected]

Green Top Kindness Advent Calendar

Year 5 and 6 PoL – Science Lectures

A reminder that Year 5 and 6’s Presentation of Learning takes place next week. The children are going to present their learning from this expedition as a science lecture which will take place at Trinity Academy in their lecture theatre.

The children have been working incredibly hard in their groups for the past couple of weeks to create their lecture slides and scripts and we can’t wait for you to see it!

Year 5 – Wednesday 4th December @5.30pm

Year 6 – Thursday 5th December @5.30pm