Please support us in planning for a provision as requested for a POSSIBLE reopening for your children on 1st June.
Category : Miss Schon’s class 2019-20 highest score is 13,309…let me know how you get on!

Well done to my Exploring Eddie’s today. I really liked your expedition work and that you were making predictions and talking about what you found out. I really enjoyed your photographs showing me your learning.
Libby – I praise your learning about density.
Georgia – I praise you tried lots of different experiments today.
Benji – I praise you made new predictions based on your learning and then tested to see if you were right.
Lara – I praise you could talk about what happened when you placed the objects in the water.
I have two Learning Legends today! Both of these girls have made me feel very proud today with the work they produced in expedition.
Heidi is a Connecting Connie for using the toys she had available in her house as her props for story telling. I think you will agree that Heidi delivered her story confidently and clearly! Well done Heidi I loved watching your story today.
Libby is a ‘Lightbulb Leo’ today for making a book of her story. I always knew that Libby would be writing me story books before she left Reception and her stories are beautiful. Look at that fantastic use of phonics and beautiful neat clear writing! I loved reading your story Libby!

Well Done girls and keep it up. You both make me feel proud every day!
Here are some online drama and storytelling sessions that we wanted to share as this week’s events fit in with our ‘Pirates and Mermaids’ expedition theme.
To access it you’ll need to have Zoom installed. In school we do not support that platform and use hangouts. It’s a ‘Pay as you feel’ event, so free but they ask for a small donation to keep them going.
Thank you to Annabel’s mum for sharing
Today’s Learning Legend is Aidan!
Aidan is receiving not one but two learning legends!
Aidan has been an exploring Eddie and has had lots of adventures at home. Yesterday he went on a treasure hunt and solved lots of really tricky clues.

Aidan and his family have also carried on their Better World Day pledge and have decided to raise money to support the Woodland Trust. As part of a 2.6 challenge they have decided to do 26 days litter picking in their local area.

You can donate to my JustGiving page by clicking here:
Look out for our school 2.6 challenge next week!
Class 3 had so much fun on our 2 week dinosaur adventure. Watch our video to see our wonderful work!
Today’s Learning Legend is Hollie. She has been working really hard at completing her tasks in the classroom and is working especially hard on her Phase 4 phonics.
Well Done Hollie!
Some of the staff at Plover School have set a signing challenge for their students an I thought you guys may want to get involved, Thanks to Miss Blackham for sharing this with me.
How many of these words can you spell using the BSL signs for the letters of the alphabet?
Here’s a youtube clip to get you started. There will be 4 prizes available for the most impressive attempts. (one per phase if there are enough entries)
Winners will be announced on Monday 18th May.
I have lots of Learning Legends today and each and every one of you thoroughly deserves your award. Not just for your work today but for visiting the classroom everyday to complete your learning. I am so proud of each and every one of you!
Today I think you are all Choosing, Checking, Changing Charlie’s. You have thought carefully about the things you can do to help to make our world a better place!
Heidi and William pledge to BE KIND.
Georgia has been helping her mum and has baked some biscuits to take to her grandparents house.
Benji has been collecting food for the food bank and litter picking at his local field.
Sonny has been painting stones and he is going to leave them for people to find to brighten up their day!
Libby has been helping at home, writing letters to grandma and making rainbows for her neighbour!
Lara made a rainbow for the people working in the pharmacy.
And finally Isaac pledged to help his dad with the recycling at home!
What a beautiful bunch of children we have in Class 3.