For our Hansel and Gretel Literacy Hook we found a trail of stones leading outdoors. We followed the trail and found some clues along the way. The trail led us to a book and some sweets. We had lots of fun guessing what our new literacy text might be about.
Category : Miss Schon’s class 2019-20
We have been practising doubling numbers in Maths.
Today we had some super behaviour during our learning circles, especially from the boys! Today we chose Liam and Bobby as our learning legends. Liam was a Motivated Moe for his super attitude towards everything we do in class. We also chose Bobby as a Choosing, Checking, Changing Charlie for always thinking carefully about the choices he makes and for his super behaviour and attitude in our leaning circles.
Well done boys for being a super addition to our crew and for being such good role models for the rest of the children. A special mention also goes to Harly and Macky for being superb crew members today and making me really proud.
Printable Version –
Take a look at a video form our year in Class 3!
Have a lovely summer everyone, have fun and stay safe and we can’t wait to see you all at school again very soon!
Dear Reception parents of 2020-21,
Typically we would have held a parents meeting and tour where the letters you’ve received over the last couple of weeks would have been shared.
Below is some further information that will hopefully answer some of your questions before you start in reception.
Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EPEC) is a successful, popular, unique parenting approach.
EPEC is for local parents, led by local parents.
We are currently recruiting parents who would like to become a Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EPEC) Group Leaders.
Would like to be part of a new and exciting EPEC Programme coming to Doncaster ?
As an EPEC parent group leader, you will:
- Receive an amazing free training and support from our local EPEC team.
- Learn to lead practical, caring groups for local parents.
- Share tried and tested methods that give children the best start in life.
- Join a group of like-minded parents to make a difference to your local community.
- Develop your skills and confidence.
- Gain experience that will help you fulfill your ambitions.
We are holding a virtual coffee afternoon for those parents/carers who are interested
On: Thursday 23rd July 2020
Through: Microsoft teams (app can be downloaded onto your phone or a computer)
Time: 2pm – 3pm
Please see attach posters for more information – If you are interested please email Philip Stewart; [email protected]
Please fine a short film to introduce year to the staff in KS1 next year.
If you have any questions please email Mrs Jackson ([email protected])
The children in F2 have loved being outdoors today. We have finished off a beautiful day with an ice cream. Yummy!
Youth Sports Trust have teamed up with TopYa to create an exclusive School Games Active Championship which can be used by pupils and schools.
Three times a week TopYa! Release a challenge for pupils to try. Children practise the challenges, then submit their best video using a mobile device to receive personal coaching feedback from the TopYa! team of experienced virtual coaches. Points are earned for each video submitted, leading to climbing leaderboards and winning prizes!
The TopYa! Active app is committed to online safety and meets rigorous COPPA and GDPR safeguarding standards. No one can communicate within the app. All children can do to communicate with one another is give each other a virtual ‘high-five’, which functions like a social media ‘like’.
The points pupils gain are then tallied up and compared in a league table against other Doncaster schools (in the Rossington School Games Area).
This is completely free and a great way for pupils to be active at home and at school.
I have attached above information from TopYa! And you can also read more on the School Games Website.
You will need the following code which is unique to your school: 22612
Good luck and enjoy!
Today we have welcomed two new friends into Class 3. Harriet and Isla are settling in beautifully and we are so happy they are now a part of our class.

