DT food kind of day in class 8

We have had such an amazing day today related to our expedition. We have been practicing our DT skills, such as chopping, peeling and grating. The children got to eat tomatoes, bananas, cucumbers, peppers, carrots and apples.

We have also made pancakes today, using flour, eggs and milk!

The children should be full after our very food day!

Year 1 Fire Lighting – XP Outdoors

This afternoon, Year 1 students had an exciting XP Outdoor session as they learned the skill of fire lighting using flint and steel!

We discovered how sparks are made by striking flint against steel. With patience, focus, and plenty of determination, they practiced creating tiny sparks—watching in amazement as they ignited cotton wool to start a very small fire.

Not only was it fun but also a fantastic way to learn about fire safety, resilience, and the behind the scenes of fire making. The children worked together, encouraging each other and celebrating every successful spark. Well Done Year 1!!!

XP Outdoors- Pancake Day with Year 4

This morning, Year 4 students had a fantastic time celebrating Pancake Day in XP Outdoors! Instead of simply enjoying ready-made pancakes, the children took full control—mixing their own batter and cooking pancakes over an open fire.

With some support, the students carefully measured flour, eggs, and milk before whisking it all together to create the mix. Then came the exciting part—cooking the pancakes over the fire!

Extended Study – National Careers Week!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do you aspire to be when you’re older?

Take a look at the following websites:



Think about our Character Traits and create a poster that shows your dream job . Do you have the courage to show off your work to your crew? Share your aspirations with your crew mates and see if anyone shares the same interest.